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Mobility Digital Twins for Dynamic Multimodal Simulation Extended for Bentley Systems with Acquisition of INRO

Mobility Digital Twins for Dynamic Multimodal Simulation Extended for Bentley Systems with Acquisition of INRO

Bentley Systems, Incorporated announced the acquisition of INRO Software, a leader in multimodal transportation planning, traffic simulation, and mobility visualization software. The acquisition expands Bentley’s capabilities in the growth area of mobility digital twins, just as countries, including the U.S., are poised to make a generational investment in infrastructure, and as transportation systems must evolve faster to accommodate both urbanization and carbon reduction goals, and the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles.

INRO, based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, has for more than 40 years contributed to the advancement of mobility simulation and modeling for metropolitan, regional, and national transport and transit operators and planning agencies. Users of its multimodal simulation offerings include some of the world’s busiest transit systems and metros, such as Transport for London, Transport for New South Wales, the Washington State Department of Transportation, the Swedish Transport Administration Trafikverket, and the public transport system of São Paulo SPTrans.

INRO’s products include Emme, a multimodal transportation planning system for urban, regional, and national transportation forecasting; Dynameq, a vehicle-based traffic simulation platform for city-wide traffic planning; and CityPhi, a mobility visualization solution providing data visualization and visual analytics of large-scale mobility and geospatial datasets.

Combining the capabilities of INRO’s traffic and vehicle simulation with Bentley’s passenger and pedestrian simulation and civil design software, including CUBE, Streetlytics, LEGION, and OpenRoads, places Bentley in a very strong position to deliver comprehensive mobility digital twins of multimodal transportation systems at urban, metropolitan, regional, and national scale.

As a leader in infrastructure digital twins, Bentley’s iTwin platform can now bring together—with the best-validated aggregate and individual vehicle and pedestrian simulation—3D/4D continuous surveying and reality modeling, civil engineering and project delivery, and asset and network performance. Ultimately, the opportunity for digital cities is to save their constituents time in their day, while at the same time improving congestion and climate resilience, and safety.