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NAFEMS Certifications Prove TWI Expertise

NAFEMS Certifications Prove TWI Expertise

A group of six TWI employees from TWI’s Numerical Modelling and Optimisation team recently achieved NAFEMS certification as professional simulation engineers (PSE). This means that 15 staff have now achieved PSE certification while working at TWI.

The PSE certification demonstrates the high standard of international competency that TWI can provide for modelling solutions. The independent, external certification also allows for structured continuous professional development.

The certification covered a variety of advanced and standard topic areas, including thermo-mechanical behaviour, composite materials, fatigue and fracture mechanics, as well as a first certification in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which parallels our growth in supporting emerging challenges in this field.

This latest round of PSE certifications demonstrates our expertise and commitment to providing high quality modelling for industries where quality assurance, product safety and structural integrity are the key drivers.

TWI’s Numerical Modelling and Optimisation team manager, Tyler London, said, “The democratisation of CAE technologies means that it is increasingly important to ensure that the right tools are being used in the right ways to support customers’ simulation challenges. PSE certification demonstrates our commitment to the continuous professional development of our staff and also to providing high quality modelling for industries where quality assurance, product safety and structural integrity are the key drivers.”

Technical Officer, NAFEMS (The International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community), Ian Symington, MEng CEng MIMechE, said, “We are delighted that TWI have demonstrated their commitment to delivering high quality simulation results by encouraging their staff to engage with Professional Simulation Engineer (PSE) Certification. PSE Certification allows engineers and scientists to demonstrate the competence they have gained throughout their career via an independently assessed award that considers both the individual’s industrial experience and their expertise. PSE certification is a multi-level award and we are pleased to see many of the staff from TWI achieve ‘Advanced’ level in a range of technical areas.”

As part of TWI’s structural integrity support, the Numerical Modelling and Optimisation team regularly undertakes engineering critical assessments (ECA) as required by the relevant standards, such as BS 7910, API 579, R6 and BS 7608. The team also contribute to many of these codes and standards, such as ASME Verification and Validation (V&V), British Standard 7910, UK Nuclear code R6, EN 13094 on the design and construction of tankers, and multiple NAFEMS working groups.

TWI has been increasingly providing advanced modelling support for micro-mechanics, design optimisation and additive manufacturing to industrial partners looking to introduce disruptive technologies into their workflows.

The NAFEMS PSE certification helps demonstrate the competence and capabilities of our staff in all of these areas and we would like to congratulate Tyler’s team for their achievement.