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Alstom and Hynamics partner to support train hydrogen refuelling

Alstom and Hynamics partner to support train hydrogen refuelling

French EDF Group’s hydrogen subsidiary Hynamics struck has an alliance with Alstom to expand the hydrogen refuelling of passenger trains.

This collaboration intends to support the development of hydrogen trains, as well as cut down the time spent on refuelling them.

The firms have commenced joint work related to modelling, calculation, and simulation.

From 2022, the joint efforts will be tested on the electrolyser test platform at the EDF Lab Les Renardières’, which is among the three research and development facilities of Électricité de France situated in Écuelles (Seine-et-Marne).

A hydrogen production station, numerous storage racks, and a compressor up to 450 bars will be arranged to recreate the real-size filling circuits.

The partners will also assess working of the equipment under ‘optimal observation conditions’.

After the completion of the project, the duo expects to set an international refuelling standard for limiting the immobilisation of hydrogen-driven trains during refuelling, along with regulations and safety compliance.

In a statement, the companies said: “This partnership will enable us to optimise the hydrogen distribution infrastructure and the rolling stock made available to operators. This is a project that presents many opportunities for the decarbonisation of transportation and the development of sustainable mobility.”

A consortium of Alstom and Sofratesa recently secured a contract for the maintenance of power and catenary systems on Santo Domingo metro’s lines 1 and 2 in the Dominican Republic.

This contract was granted by the operator of Santo Domingo’s metro, the Office for the Reordering of Transport (OPRET).