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Dr Ollie Folayan Co-Founder of the Association for Black Engineers Scotland UK

Dr Ollie Folayan Co-Founder of the Association for Black Engineers Scotland UK


Louise Power in conversation with Dr Ollie Folayan Chartered Chemical Engineer & Co-Founder of the Association for Black Engineers Scotland UK

Dr Ollie Folayan - Louise Power

This show is about bridging the gap between the community and the corporate world. Hearing real life experiences and getting expert advice for self development. Creating a platform so that people can make a difference.

Ollie Folayan is a chartered chemical engineer working in the energy industry and chairman of the award -winning AFBE -UK Scotland and co - founder of AFBE -UK. Ollie graduated with a BEng in Chemical Process Engineering with Fuel Technology from the University of Sheffield in 1999 and then earned a Doctorate (PhD) in Fuels and Combustion from University of Leeds in 2002 authoring five international publications in the field of combustion and engineering. To date Ollie has worked on Major CAPEX Front End Engineering Design, Detailed Design and commissioning Projects. In 2018 Ollie Folayan was accepted into the Fellowship of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Ollie has championed successful outreach programmes such as Making Engineering Hot, NextGen (Scotland), Transition and Real Projects and has co-authored three publications on the influence of role models in the transition from academic study to the workplace and on the sustainability of the engineering profession in the UK. In addition, Ollie has also been involved with a number of successful community initiatives through organizations such as Shell and the Royal Academy of Engineering. Ollie has chaired a number of AFBE -UK annual seminars featuring key industry leaders and politicians and is a regular speaker at events on varied engineering topics. Ollie has participated in All party parliamentary group roundtables on STEM education and he is a member of the All Energy Diversity and Inclusion task group set up in 2019 by Oil and Gas UK. Ollie is an avid sports fan and other interests include singing, mentoring and reading on various subjects.