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CFD Journal: Call for Papers

CFD Journal: Call for Papers

This call for papers if for a special issue of the NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies to showcase Computational Fluid Dynamics used by designers.

Numerical simulation is now firmly entrenched in the design process. Previously, simulations followed the design process to confirm the functionality. Now it is being used to kick off the design process often at the draft or concept design stage.

Engineering flow simulations are non-linear in nature and often have challenges due to modelling the flow region geometry (rather than the solid part that is modelled by CAD), turbulence (which usually must be modelled rather than directly simulated), coupled physical processes and many others. These aspects are not easy to handle and have prompted much software development to improve usability and ensure CFD is as widely used as possible. Software packages aimed at the non-CFD specialist or design engineer can, for example, automatically choose turbulence models and perform meshing for the user. Simulations performed by the designer are often used to give early understanding of relative performance of design iterations and to test out new ideas early in the design process. They may subsequently result in additional calculations by a CFD specialist, for example where a greater level of accuracy or prediction confidence is required or additional, more complex physics is present.

This special issue of the NAFEMS International Journal of CFD case studies will show how designers and other non-CFD specialists are using CFD tools and how the results are interpreted for engineering design purposes. Papers will promote the benefit of numerical simulation to and by non-CFD specialists and show how designers, by understanding further the behaviour of fluid flow and heat transfer via their simulations, can produce more effective first designs

NAFEMS welcomes users of all CFD software products to contribute their papers. Further information about the journal can be found on the NAFEMS website.

Papers for consideration should be sent to and the deadline is end of January 2014. 

We thank all the authors in advance for their contribution.