The goal of the American Society for Composites Technical Conference is to provide a communication forum for the engineering and scientific community in composite materials. Their goal is to promote the growth of knowledge from interdisciplinary engineering and scientific research in composite materials.
American Society Composites conferences are world-renowned for their high technical quality. The technical divisions of the society, currently focused on Analysis & Testing, Durability & Damage Tolerance, Emerging Composites Technologies, and Design & Manufacturing, provide further networking opportunities among colleagues in composites.
The NAFEMS Composites Working Group was formed in 2010, following strong demand from within the NAFEMS membership for a high level of activities related to the application of numerical methods to the analysis and assessment of composite materials. Ronald Krueger (chairman of the NAFEMS Composites Working Group) is one of four Conference Chairs who will be organizing the event.
The vision of the NAFEMS Composites Working Group is to create a cross-industry consortium in a end-user driven, vendor-neutral arena for discussing, sharing, and evolving engineering techniques and practices in the simulation of composite materials.
For more information about the American Society for Composites Technical Conference, please consult the website dedicated to the conference.
Deadline to submit abstracts is the 1st of Feb 2016 on the American Society for Composites Technical Conference website.
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