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Simulation in Product, Equipment and Component Development

Simulation in Product, Equipment and Component Development

NAFEMS Iberia Announces Seminar Agenda

NAFEMS, The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, has announced the confirmed agenda for the Seminar “Simulation in Product, Equipment and Component Development”, to be held in Oporto, Portugal on June 22nd 2006.

Companies across Portugal and Spain, and all over the world, are under pressure to accelerate product development and save costs. Numerical techniques in computational simulation offer a key in the development of complex products, such as aircraft, cars, trains, ships or offshore systems, and components and industrial processes.

Many companies are already using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Multibody Systems (MBS) to reduce physical testing and use virtual testing early in the design process to optimize products. But issues involved in the use of computational simulation are complex, and design targets such as reliability are important.

How should FEA, CFD and MBS technology be used in the development process? Who should use them and how should the development organization be structured? What are the implementation and training issues and what is the return on investment in component and system simulation? What are the differences between component and system approaches and how can they be integrated?

This seminar brings together industrial practitioners, software vendors, end users, researchers, and hardware suppliers to discuss these issues.

This Seminar will held after the conference  IDDRG 2006 - Drawing the Things to Come, Trends and Advances in sheet Metal Forming, ( ) held 19th – 21st June at the same venue, the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (FEUP).

Registration for the seminar is now available from the NAFEMS Website,


Welcome and NAFEMS Presentation
David Quinn (NAFEMS-UK)

Damage models and mesh independent solutions for large plastic deformations
J. Cesar Sá (Feup-Porto)

State of the art of Virtual Product Development in the Transportation field: Auto, Aero, Railway and Ship building
Rocio Núñez Chozas (MSC.Software-Madrid)

Plastic Component Analisis by Finite Element Method
Blas Molero (IBERISA-Bilbao)

Finite Element Analysis in Biomechanics
Antonio G. Completo (U. Aveiro)

Computational Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems with Large Rigid Body Rotations
Jorge C. Ambrósio (IST-Lisboa)

Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD) to Design and Optimise
Antonio M. G. Lopes (U.Coimbra)

Computational damage and fracture mechanics for advanced composites
Pedro Camanho (Feup-Porto)

Mechanical Component Simulation
Nuno Rilo (U. Coimbra)

Discussion session