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Survey on Fracture, Structural Integrity and Fatigue

Survey on Fracture, Structural Integrity & Fatigue Launched

The ILTOF project has launched an online survey to determine the educational needs of industry in the areas of Fracture, Structural Integrity, and Fatigue.

ILTOF - Innovative Learning and Training On Fracture – is a Leonardo da Vinci European Union co-funded Pilot Project, part of the European Vocational Training Action Programme. Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Projects are aimed at designing, testing, evaluating and disseminating innovative vocational training and lifelong learning practices, and at promoting innovation in training as well as methodologies, contents, media, products.

ILTOF specific objectives are to improve the knowhow transfer process and to develop innovative learning methods with particular focus on e-learning technologies in the field of fracture mechanics and structural integrity.

Project partners include NAFEMS, TCN and ITWN.

The survey will help to provide an insight into the education needs in the simulation industry, focusing specifically on the use of fracture mechanics. The survey online takes 15 minutes to complete, and can be found at  , where more information on the project can also be found.