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NAFEMS NA Regional Summit 2008 - Agenda Announced

NAFEMS NA 2008 Regional Summit  – Agenda Announced

Independent Engineering Analysis Conference Confirms Agenda

NAFEMS, The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, has confirmed an exciting agenda for its 2008 NA Regional Summit, to be held in Hampton, Virginia on October 29th-31st, 2008.

NAFEMS is an independent not-for-profit body with the sole aim of promoting the effective use of engineering simulation methods such as finite element analysis, multibody system dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. 

On October 29-31, 2008, NAFEMS NA will be hosting NAFEMS:2020 in Hampton, Virginia to bring together the leading visionaries, developers, and practitioners of CAE-related technologies and business processes to share relevant trends and roadmaps, to explore common themes, and to address these issues in an open forum. The goal is to provide attendees with the best “food for thought and action” to deploy CAE over the next several years.

We would like to invite CAE end users, visionaries, researchers, educators, industry managers, and CAE software and hardware developers. Come share your experience and viewpoints to help shape the future of CAE in maximizing its impact on tomorrow's design environment, or come listen and learn what directions CAE will be moving over the next several years and how it can help your organization.

The event is open to both members and non-members of NAFEMS, with members able to attend the event for free with the use of seminar credits as part of their membership benefits package.

Platinum sponsors of NAFEMS 2020 include: MSC.Software , ANSYS , SIEMENS , and SIMULIA

Event sponsors of NAFEMS 2020 include: Prostep , CD-adapco , LMS , Altair Engineering , Engineous Software and Comet Solutions .

This year's event is being co-sponsored by ASME and SAE .

For more information about the organizations supporting NAFEMS 2020, please visit: /events/nafems/2008/naregionalsummit/ .


A full agenda for the Conference is now available from the NAFEMS website, Highlights include a number of cutting-edge presentations, the PLASVEE Challenge, and a vendor forum, all with a focus on the future of engineering analysis and simulation - in the year 2020 and beyond.

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

NAFEMS 2020 provides an excellent opportunity for promotional and product / project awareness, and direct access to technology leaders. A number of exhibition spaces will be available for vendors of software, hardware and associated services to demonstrate their wares and meet with delegates.

Sponsorship packages are also available. Please visit the sponsorship and exhibitor website to enquire further about these opportunities.

Registration is now open at