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NAFEMS NORDIC Regional Summit – Agenda and AGM Announced

NAFEMS NORDIC Regional Summit
Agenda and AGM Announced

Independent Engineering Analysis Conference Confirms Agenda and announce the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

NAFEMS, The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, has confirmed the agenda for its NORDIC Regional Summit 2008 and announced the Annual General Meeting


NAFEMS is an independent, not-for-profit, body with the sole aim of promoting the effective use of engineering simulation methods such as finite element analysis, multibody system dynamics and computational fluid dynamics.

The NAFEMS NORDIC Regional Summit 2008 will be held in Gotenburg, Sweden on November 17th-18th, 2008. Entitled Best Practises and Trends in Engineering Simulation and Analysis, the conference will give delegates an unrivalled independent insight into the current best practices and state-of-the-art in FEA, CFD, MBS, SDM and associated technologies, providing the most comprehensive overview and trends of the technology available.

We would like to invite analysts, engineers, team leaders or managers who are responsible for ensuring that a fit-for-purpose engineering solution is obtained from the use of modern simulation software.

The event is open to both members and non-members of NAFEMS. Members can attend this event for free with the use of seminar credits as part of their membership benefits package.

Premium sponsor of the event is Altair Engineering .

Event sponsor is MSC Software.

NAFEMS also announces that this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held during the Summit in Gotenburg the evening of November 17th .

For more information about the event please visit: NAFEMS Nordic Regional Summit 2008 .


A full agenda for the Conference is now available from the NAFEMS website, click here .

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

The NAFEMS NORDIC Regional Summit provides an excellent opportunity for promotional and product / project awareness, and direct access to technology leaders. A number of exhibition spaces will be available for vendors of software, hardware and associated services to demonstrate their wares and meet with delegates.

Sponsorship packages are also available. For more information, please visit the Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities page.