Costas Stavrinidis, NAFEMS’ Chairman and Head of Mechanical Engineering at the European Space Agency, has been appointed as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Scotland.
This appointment recognises Professor Stavrinidis’s outstanding contribution to mechanical engineering in general and engineering analysis and simulation in particular. The University of Strathclyde has an established international profile for Frontier Research on Visionary Space Systems and has recently seen significant growth in space systems research through establishment of an Advanced Space Concepts Laboratory , funded by the European Research Council.
Links between Costas and staff at Strathclyde go back to the founding days of NAFEMS at NEL in East Kilbride, Scotland. In his new role, Costas will bring his wealth of experience and expertise to a range of activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ranging from undergraduate education and development of research activities through to knowledge exchange with the wider engineering community.
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