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Stochastics Challenge to be Launched at NWC13

Stochastics Challenge to be Launched at NWC13

NAFEMS Stochastics Working Group is working to continue to educate and promote the stochastic methods in the engineering analysis and simulation community world-wide. To that end, NAFEMS is reaching out to the industry and academia on this topic to participate in an Uncertainty Quantification Challenge Problem using Stochastics. Government, industrial, and educational institutions are invited to participate in the hope of sharing and showcasing different approaches to uncertainty quantification (UQ).

  • The purpose of the challenge problem is to showcase and share different approaches to uncertainty quantification methods among SWG members
  • A simple electrical circuit model, as well as the mathematical model, is provided. The output response is sensitive to the model parameters that have different cases of value of information.
  • The objective is to asses the reliability of the device based on a set of criteria and also to quantify the value of information.
  • Methods are not judged and this is not a competition to find the true solution

The intent is that the overall UQ Challenge Problem activity will span over a period of 5 months to complete challenge problem development, response submission time, and review and presentations of the solutions. Participation will virtually based, with optional attendance at the yearly conference for any follow-up presentations. (Presentations can also be made virtually.) 

The Stocastics Working Group will be introducing the challenge problem at the NAFEMS World Congress in June 2013, and would ask you to consider your level of participation to make this activity a success.