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Why Attend the NAFEMS World Congress 2017?

Why attend the NAFEMS World Congress?

The NAFEMS World Congress 2017, incorporating the 3rd International Conference on SPDM, will take place 11-14 June in Stockholm, Sweden. Featuring an unrivalled line-up of technical presentations, keynote speakers, workshops, training courses, and much more, this is one event you cannot afford to miss.

  • But why should you attend?
  • What questions will the Congress answer?
  • How will you benefit from being a part of it?

Download and explore the preliminary agenda here, and register today to secure your place at what promises to be the largest and most exciting World Congress yet.

Learn how organisations are generating confidence in their simulation capability

Having a simulation capability is no longer a differentiator. To remain competitive companies need to have a capability and be able to use the capability effectively to produce results that are reliable and repeatable. Generating confidence in the capability of the simulation team is essential to move analysis from being a ‘tick box’ in the design process to a strategic capability. 

  • How can a company assess the maturity of various simulation processes?

  • How can analysis and test be integrated effectively?

  • How can an organisations simulation capability communicate effectively to the strategic decision makers?

Discover how organisations are extending the benefits of simulation to their non-expert users

Putting simulation into the hands of the non-expert is a subject that elicits much discussion within NAFEMS committees. On one hand, NAFEMS aims to act as an advocate for the deployment of simulation, and extending the capability of running simulations or accessing simulation results to inform strategic decisions is viewed positively. However, if the capabilities are not controlled errors and incorrect assumptions will lead to simulation being viewed with suspicion. 

  • How is the role of the simulation expert evolving? 
  • What processes and types of simulation are suitable for this sort of democratisation?
  • How do you start extending the reach of simulation in an organisation?

Understand how leading companies are using their simulation capability to support product certification

Engineering analysis and simulation offers significant cost and time savings by reducing the amount of experimental testing that is required to design a product so that it is fit for purpose. 

  • How can companies influence the regulators who may not be as familiar with state of the art simulation techniques?

  • Where is the effort focused when trying to create such a high level of confidence in analysis results, people, processes, tools?

  • In safety critical industries will we ever reach a position where simulation negates the need for testing? 

Learn why simulation engineers should be aware of the role played by the systems engineer

With increasing product complexity the role of the systems engineer has become more prevalent. Systems Engineering involves an integration of multiple disciplines to form a development process that proceeds from concept to production. 

  • How does a discipline expert involved in modelling and simulation fit into the Systems Engineering approach?

  • How can the tools used in different areas of product design communicate effectively?

  • Learn the difference between Systems Engineering, Model-based Systems Engineering and modelling a complex system?

Join the discussion on what considerations should be taken into account when implementing an SDM system

Companies wishing to implement SDM often find it very difficult to put off-the-shelf offerings into production. Most managers and practitioners in Engineering Simulation organisations have little experience in designing information systems and are ill-equipped to run a selection process to ensure that the proposed solution will deliver the expected benefits. 

  • What are the ingredients for a successful SDM implementation?

  • How is it possible to differentiate between the different offerings vendors are providing?

  • How do I get the simulation teams and engineers engaged with using the SDM capability?

Join the discussion on how to embed analysis and simulation into the manufacturing culture within your organisation

While the benefits of incorporating simulation into the manufacturing process are clear, manufacturing process simulations are inherently complicated. The processes that are being simulated are often highly coupled Multiphysics environments with the input properties required by the material models often difficult to obtain and subject to significant variability. Accurate modelling of the physical processes can result in long run times that do not meet the requirements of the manufacturing team. 

  • How can simulation engineers engage with the manufacturing team?

  • How can simulation be run to fit in with short manufacturing process cycle?

  • Should simulation be placed in the hands of the manufacturing engineer or should it be retained within the analysis and team?

Find out how the major engineering analysis codes are evolving to address new HPC trends

The last decade has seen the cost of hardware fall dramatically meaning that the cost of software licenses is now a significant consideration when selecting hardware to support an organisations analysis capability. Many numerical codes scale extremely well and are taking advantage of recent advances in terms of utilising GPUs. With many experts predicting that the end is finally nigh for Moore’s law where does that leave the simulation engineer.

  • What considerations should we be considering when specing their next hardware upgrade?

  • Are external cloud computing platforms a realistic option for your average company? What are the current barriers to moving to an external HPC platform. 

  • How are the commercial software licensing models are adapting to address the changing landscape?

Learn how simulation can support the 3D printing revolution

Additive manufacturing is a breakthrough technology that has the ability to produce parts without tooling. This method has seen widespread publicity in recent years and, as the technology advances and the costs continue to fall, additive manufacturing is expected to become more prevalent and lead to innovative new designs. 

  • How will designs and simulation tools evolve to take account of the possibilities that appear with additive manufacturing?

  • How can simulation support the design of the additive manufacturing process?

  • Can simulation help to predict the material properties produce by the AM process?

  • Have tools/process reached the level of maturity where they can adequately simulate the AM process?

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