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Fluid-Structure Interaction

Multi Physics & Analysis

Fluid-Structure Interaction

Introduction / Objectives
M. Chiumenti, E. Oñate (CIMNE / Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña, UPC, Spain)

FE Particles Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
E. Oñate, S. Idelsohn (CIMNE, Spain)

Structural Analysis of Sails
G. Valdes, R. Rossi (Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña, UPC, Spain)

Advances in FEM for Ships Hydrodynamics
J. Garcia (COMPASS, Spain)

Some Implementation Aspects of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
R. Codina (CIMNE, Spain

The CD-adapco Group Approaches to Analysis of FSI Problems
R. Sanatian (CD-adapco Group, UK)

Coupled Fluid-Structure Acoustics Using PERMAS
R. Helfrich (INTES GmbH, Germany)

ANSYS Multiphysics Fluid
D. Ellis (IDAC Ltd, UK)

Coupling Strategies in Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems Using FEM & BEM
S. Paquay (Open Engineering SA, Belgium)

Preliminary Investigations of Concorde Fuel Tank Impact
M. Moatamedi (Univ. of Salford, UK)

Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods in Practice – A Range of Techniques Used in Commercial Codes to Industrial Problems
C. Hayhurst (Century Dynamics, UK)

Summary and Final Discussions
M. Chiumenti, E. Oñate (CIMNE / Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña, UPC, Spain)