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1st Technology Workshop

1st FENet Technology Workshop

Copenhagen, Denmark
February 2002


Following the first NSC Meeting, September 2001 in London, UK, the FENET Industry Meeting , November 2001 in Wiesbaden, Germany, and a Workshop Planning Meeting at the University of Greenwich, London, in December 2001 (see articles in FENET Newsletter, Issue 1, February 2002) the first FENET Technical Workshops were held from 27th - 28th February 2002 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The following topics were discussed:

Education & Dissemination (E&D): Barriers to the Effective Use of FEA in Industry

Durability and Life Extension (DLE): Finite Element Simulation of Contact Problems

Multi Physics and Analysis (MP): Computational Modelling of Multiphysics Processes

Product and System Optimization (PSO): Incorporation of Product and System Optimization (PSO) Methods into, Compact, Reliable Design Cycles

The workshop was very successful. 76 attendees from all over Europe came to a cold and snowy, but wonderful Copenhagen. Over 30 lectures in parallel sessions were presented, industry issues were collated for the Education & Dissemination RTD area, and Ms. Anne de Baas, European Commision Project Manager, gave a presentation on Framework VI (this was an important opportunity to learn about new research programs and funding opportunities).