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3rd Annual Industry Meeting - Ensuring Fitness for Purpose of FEA

3rd Annual FENet Industry Meeting & AGM - Ensuring Fitness for Purpose of FEA


The 3rd FENet Annual Industry Meeting & AGM attracted 82 attendees. 19 presentations were held in plenary sessions. In addition, interactive workshops addressed background issues and business drivers in each industry sector. The meeting provided the opportunity to share experiences and to learn what is being done in various industry sectors, with presentations illustrating "state of practice“ in each of the eight industry sectors represented by FENet Thematic Network. It also focused on the integration issues in the RTD areas of Durability & Life Extension, Product & System Optimisation, Multi Physics & Analysis, and Education & Dissemination and Strategic Research needs. Many thanks to Airbus for hosting the meeting.

Hamburg, Germany
December 2003

Presentations for Download

Springback in Sheet Metal Stamping
Gino Duffett (Quantech ATZ, Spain)

Response Surface Approximation for the Design of Metal Forming Parts
Slim Benelechi (Université de Technologie de Compiègne - France)

FE-Analysis of Shape Distortions in Composites
J. Magnus Svanberg, J. Anders Holmberg (Sicomp AB - Sweden)

VPD Deployed on Durability Ude Cases
Christoph Ortmann (MSC.Software Corporation - Germany)

Frequency Response Optimization Through Shape And Sizing Modifications
R. Fischer, R. Helfrich, C. Wulf (Intes GmbH - Germany)

Method - Tool - Data - Process: Creating Value from Virtual Prototyping
Colin F. McCulloch (LMS International - Belgium)

An Integrated Approach for Predictive Vibration, Ride and Acoustics Engineering
Christoph Ortmann (MSC.Software - Germany); Alain Genard (Free Field Technologies - France)

Application of Structural Optimisation with Boss Quattro to A380 RIB1 Optimization
Stéphane Grihon (Airbus - France), Ghislaine Malherbe (Samtech - France)

Large Scale Riveted Fuselage Panels: FE-Simulation and Validation for a Panel Test with a Two-Bay-Crack
A. Cornec, W. Schönfeld, W. Brocks (GKSS Research Centre - Germany); H. Assler (Airbus Deutschland GmbH - Germany)

Nonlinear Buckling Analyses on Welded Airbus Fuselage Panels
P. Reimers (Iwis GmbH - Germany); A. Gorba (Airbus Deutschland GmbH - Germany)

Past and Further Challenges in Validation of Multi-Physics
Wim Slagter (Century Dynamics - The Netherlands)

Towards Interactive Guidance for Undertaking Credible Finite Element Analysis
W. C. Christie, J. D. McVee, J. R. Smith (Qinetiq Ltd. - United Kingdom)

Collapse of pressurised plates
Jack Reijmers (Nevesbu b.v. - The Netherlands)

Punch Test for the Simulation of Ships Hull Damage
Dirk Steglich, Jürgen Heerens, Wolfgang Brocks (GKSS Research Centre - Germany)

CivilFEM for ANSYS. A complete ANSYS Customization for Advanced Civil Engineering Analysis
Javier Jiménez, Isabella Maia, Eduardo Salete (Ingeciber, S.A. - Spain)

Simulation of Wind on Bridge Structures
Casimir Katz (SOFiSTiK AG - Germany); Imre Kovacs (Dynamik Consulting - Germany); Guido Morgenthal (Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner - Germany)

Integrated FEM Based Package for Fatigue and Damage Tolerance - Safe
Emanuelle Alios (Airbus - France); Jean Pascal Kleinermann (Samtech - France)

Simulation of Fluid Structure Interactions in Aeronautical Applications
M. Kuntz, A. Holzwarth, J. Carregal Ferreira, F. Menter (ANSYS Germany GmbH - Germany)

Stress Reduction in an Interstage Air Seal using Tosca (MSC.Construct) for increasing the LCF Fatigue Life
Walter Huber, Martin Fischer (MTU Munich - Germany), Gerald Himmler (FE-DESIGN GmbH - Germany)