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6th Technology Workshop

6th FENet Technology Workshop


Additional Workshops

Majorca, Spain
March 2004


The 6th FENet Technology Workshops were held at the Hotel Meliá Palas Atenea in Palma de Majorca, Majorca, Spain

The workshops were attended by 60 people - again, most of them FENet members. The workshops started with five parallel workshops on DLE, E&D and two additional workshops about "Management and Quality Assurance“ (Chairman: Chris Rogers, CREA Consultants Ltd, UK) and "Crack Propagation and Non-linear Fracture Mechanics“ (Chairman: Keith Wright, Structural Integrity Assessments Ltd, UK). In the afternoon there were two parallel sessions on DLE and MPA, continuing on the morning session of the second day. Again there was a plenary session in the afternoon with summary reports and discussions from each Workshop Chairman.