By Prof. Adib Becker, University of Nottingham, UK
This workshop was the second FENET-DLE workshop on contact benchmarks, and is a followup to the contact workshop held in Copenhagen (27-28 February 2002). The first contact workshop addressed the difficulties experienced by FE users in modelling contact problems, current limitations of commercial FE software, desirable contact features that are not currently being offered by FE software, and the need for further research in the application of FE methods to contact problems.
NAFEMS has published a contact benchmarks report as the first step in establishing a set of FE contact benchmarks. It was acknowledged in the first FENET contact workshop that there is a need for developing more complex contact benchmarks.
A small “FENET Working Group on Contact” has been assembled with the collaboration of the NAFEMS Non-linear Working Group. Discussions on the development of new advanced contact benchmarks have been initiated.
The objectives of the FENET contact workshop were:
The workshop was chaired by Professor Adib Becker (University of Nottingham, UK), and attended by 14 delegates.
The chairman presented the following:
Discussions were held to evaluate the merits and disadvantages of each of the candidate contact benchmarks. Finally, was agreed to concentrate on only 5 contact benchmarks, as follows:
The selected contact benchmarks exhibit the following features:
It was recognized that the dimensions and the material properties will play an important role in highlighting the relevant features of the contact benchmarks.
Therefore, further FE analyses will be performed to establish the geometric parameters, material constants, values of the applied loads and the coefficient of friction.
The following is an outline of the agreed work plan for the establishment of a new set of advanced contact benchmarks:
Step 1 (Initiate discussion) - completed in February 2003 Assemble a small “FENET Working Group on Contact” of interested parties. Collaborate with the NAFEMS Non-linear Working Group. Initiate discussions on the development of new advanced contact benchmarks.
Step 2 (Agree benchmarks) - to be completed in June 2004 Agree on a list of new contact benchmarks. Issue a request to FE software vendors and FE users and to run the new contact benchmarks.
Step 3 (Launch final workshop) - to be completed in March 2005 Launch a further FENET DLE workshop on “Advanced Contact Benchmarks” to report the outcome.
Step 4 (Issue FENET Report) - to be completed in July 2005 Issue a formal report on Advanced Contact Benchmarks. It is expected that a formal report on advanced contact benchmarks will be published by NAFEMS in due course.
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