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Computational Modelling of Multi Physics Processes in Aerospace, Defence, Marine and Offshore Industries

Multi Physics & Analysis

Computational Modelling of Multi Physics Processes in Aerospace, Defence, Marine and Offshore Industries

M. Cross (Univ. of Greenwich, UK)

CFD Analysis of Rocket Engine Combustion Chambers
J. Steelant (ESA D/TOS-MPA, NL)

Fluid Structure Interaction Applied to Ship Structures
J. Reijmers (Nevesbu, NL)

Multi-Physics Analysis of Hypervelocity Impact: Successes and Challenges
C. Hayhurst (Century Dynamics, UK)

Advances in the Numerical Simulation of Multi-Physics Problems
M. Chiumenti (CIMNE, E)

Ariane 5 Coupled Loads Analysis
H. Fischer (ESA D/TOS-MCS, Atos Origin Engineering Services, NL)

New ISO Standards to Support Interfaces between CAD, CFD and Structural Analysis
D. Leal (Caesar Systems, UK)

Underwater Shock Analysis with Abaqus
F. Peeters (Abaqus Europe BV, NL)

Radioss Applications in the Field of Marine and Aerospace Technology
F. Huchet (Radioss, F)

Vibro-acoustic Loads on Spacecraft: FEM/BEM Simulation
G. Rogrigues (ESA D/TOS-MCS)

A Novel, Generic, Approach to Collision
A. Slone (Univ. of Greenwich, UK)

Round Table Discussion & Closure
M. Cross (Univ. of Greenwich, UK)