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Benchmark and Guidelines for Optimisation in Finite Element Analyses

Product & System Optimisation

Benchmark and Guidelines for Optimisation in Finite Element Analyses

Introduction / Objectives
G. Steven (Univ. of Durham, UK)

User-friendly Continuous Workflow Concepts for Robust and Reliable Applications of Structural Optimization
D. Roos (Dynardo GmbH, D)

Benchmark Examples for Structural, Shape, Size and Topology Optimization
G. Steven (Univ. of Durham, UK); O. Querin (Univ. of Leeds, UK)

General Purpose FEA vs Single Purpose Product Design Optimization
G. Steven (Univ. of Durham, UK)

The use of response surfaces for a Multi Objective Robust Design Optimization
V. Pediroda, C. Poloni, L. Padovan (Univ. Trieste, I)