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Finite Element Simulation of Fracture and Crack Growth

Durability and Life Extension (DLE):

Finite Element Simulation of Fracture and Crack Growth


Workshop Introduction and Objectives
N. Petrone (University of Padova - Italy)

Three Dimensional Crack Modelling: Techniques and Considerations from the Analysis of Pin-Loaded Tubular Joints
R. J. Grant (University of Wales - United Kingdom); J. Smart (University of Manchester - United Kingdom

Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factors Using Finite Elements
B. Zafošnik, Z. Ren, M.Ulbin, J. Flašker (University of Maribor - Slovenia)

Evaluation of Fatigue Life by Means of the Crack Tip Stress Method after Finite Element Evaluation
G. Meneghetti (University of Padova - Italy)

Crack Propagation and Life Prediction with a Parametrized Model with SAMCEF
J. P. Delsemme (Samtech S.A. Belgium)

Workshops Conclusions and Planning for Future Workshops
N. Petrone (University of Padova - Italy)