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Stochastic Analysis and Problem Characterisation

Product and System Optimization (PSO):

Stochastic Analysis and Problem Characterisation

Workshop Introduction
C. Poloni (University of Trieste - Italy)

Stochastic Simulation in Today’s Product Development
R. Hoffman (EASi Engineering GmbH - Germany)

Robust Design Optimisation of Airfoils
V. Pediroda (University of Trieste- Italy)

Robustness Evaluation as Part of Multidisciplinary Optimization Cycle
J. Will (CAD-FEM GmbH - Germany)

Simulation of Stochastic Failure of Spotwelds in Car Body Structures
H. Sippel (MSC.Software GmbH - Germany)

A Two Step Technique for the Updating of Dynamic FE Models
L. Bregant (University of Trieste - Italy)

Optimizations Under Complementarity Constraints in Structural Mechanics and Engineering
G. Maier (University of Milano - Italy)

Session summary, Future actions
C. Poloni (University of Trieste - Italy)