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Aerospace - Initial Discussion


FENET Industry Requirements Aerospace Industry Sector
Version 1.2 – 20 November 2001
Hans Peter de Koning, Torben Henriksen, ESA/ESTEC,  David Fitzsimmons EADS
Specifying the maturity of industry sector requirements, methods and tools, Industry Requirements: Durability & Life Extension, Product & System Optimisation, Multi Physics & Analysis Technology, Education & Dissemination

Advanced Assessment Concepts for Light Weight Structures
Alfred Cornec, GKSS Research Centre
The presentation shows some aspects from the current materials reaseach R&D program at the Institute of Materials Research at GKSS Research Centre. The considered field is restricted primarily to mechanical modelling of fracture and damage in metal alloys (Titanium-Aluminides, Aluminium, and Magnesium). The mechanical modelling ranges from the microstructural lenght scale up to full component conditions, mainly under quasi-static loading and room-temperature service conditions. Modelling is currently also extented to low cycle fatigue. Structural mechanics is focused finally on estabishing advanced structural integrity methods predicting failure of complex loaded structures by modelling the material behaviour, characterization of model parameters, simulations and experimental verifications. The benefit is related to achieve reliable saftey conditions for arbitrary new designs of structures made of new materials and joining techniques, the reduction of conservatisms in current regulations, accellerating certification of new products.

Structural strength and life analysis with FEM and typical jet engine / gas turbine components
Per Ekedahl, Volvo Aero Corporation
In the turbine world many analysis can be performed as axisymmtric which is a large advantage for ease of modelling and computation. The main concerns related to components as rotor disks and stator vanes with support structures is the mixed thermal gradient and pressure / centrifugal type loads. Almost no material testing involves the mixture of load- and displacement control which would be a realistic test condition. Moreover, the common ambiguity of triaxial stress conditions and superimposed LCF / HCF fatigue phenomena are tricky to fully comprise in analytical models.

New perspectives and state of the art in Airplane and Aerospace Structures Design and analysis
P. Morelle, Samtech,
Presentation of state of the art of Samtech‘s technology for analysis of coupled finite element models with mechanisms, including material and geometrical non linearities. The SAMCEF/MECANO modules.

Finite Element & Boundary Element Technology in Acoustics & Structural Dynamics : Current Status & Key Trends for the Future
Peter Segaert, LMS International
Overview of current FEM/BEM based simulation technology in Acoustics & Structural Dynamics, including obstacles to efficient use and key trends to satisfy needs of automotive & aerospace industries

FEM Activities at Atos Origin
O. Hilpert, G. Coe, C. Snethlage, Atos Origin Engineering Services B.V.
Introduction of Atos Origin and Atos Origin Engineering Services B.V. FEM Activities and Competence Addressing the FENET Themes