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2nd Technology Workshop

2nd FENet Technology Workshop


As agreed in the Workshop Planning Meeting, a NAFEMS/ FENET Awareness Seminar on "Web Based Training for Engineering Analysis“ was held one day prior the FENET Technical Workshops.

The workshop intended to provide delegates with an overview of emerging tools and products, which seek to provide web-based training in the area of engineering analysis. It reviewed a number of active projects in this field with presentations given by leading experts and covered intended future developments. Opportunities were also be given for hands-on experience of the MOPLE Virtual Learning Centre. The seminar was primarily focused towards practicing FE Analysts or Academics, who have a remit towards education and continuous professional development of staff or students within their organisation.

The second FENET Technical Workshops then started from Thursday, 13th to Friday, 14th June 2002.

Zurich, Switzerland
June 2002

The following topics were discussed:

  • Multi Physics and Analysis (MPA): Computational Modeling of Loosely Coupled Interaction in Multiphysics Problems
  • Durability and Life Extension (DLE): FE Issues Related to Structural Integrity (Fracture, Fatigue, Creep)
  • Product and System Optimization (PSO): The Use of Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Education & Dissemination (E&D): A Proposed User Survey and Possible Approaches to Reducing Barriers to the Effective Use of FEA in Industry

This workshop was also very successful. Also 76 attendees from all over Europe came to a warm and sunny Switzerland.

And again, there have been more than 30 presentations in parallel sessions. In addition there were very focused and concentrated work groups and discussions.