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Computational Modeling of Loosely Coupled Interaction in Multiphysics Problems

MultiPhysics & Analysis

Computational Modeling of Loosely Coupled Interaction in Multiphysics Problems

In the last two workshops several topics were identified in the area of Multi-Physics and Analysis (MPA):

  • The strategies used to solve the different problems (de-coupled, loosely coupled, strongly coupled);
  • The identification of two main fields of study in the field of MPA (fluid-structure interaction and thermo-mechanics);
  • The continuing need for good solution algorithms and computing strategies.
  • The lack of benchmarks and existence of only a small number of validated software tools.

These topics render Multi-Physics problems too complex and wide ranging to study as a single phenomenon, such that it is proposed to separate the study of MPA problems into two workshops and study one single topic in each, namely:

  • Loosely coupled analysis.
  • Strongly coupled analysis.

This strategy will enable a highly focused area for discussion for the attendees of each of the workshops.

Workshop Objectives

  • The aim of the workshop is to identify and discuss recent advances in loosely coupled problems. Accordingly, the specific objectives of the workshop are:
  • To define a validation and verification strategy for loosely coupled simulation methods and software.
  • To identify and select benchmark problems incorporating experimental results for validation of loosely coupled numerical simulation codes.
  • To select existing and new numerical solution procedures for loosely coupled analysis using FEM.
  • To identify industrial problems where loosely coupled analysis is needed.

Workshop Chairman

Pere-Andreu Ubach de Fuentes (CIMNE - Spain)

Presentations for Download

Industrial Applications of Finite Element Analysis of Incompressible and Compressible Fluid Flow with Structural and Heat Interaction Using ADINA
Sassan Mohasseb, (SM Team - Switzerland)

Multi-Physics with MSC.Marc
Christophe Noiret (MSC.Software - France)

Flow, Acoustics and Structural Vibrations: Some Activities at LMS
Collin McCulloch (LMS International - Belgium)

HYDRO-DDA Framework for Analysis of Mudrock Seals in Oil Reservoirs
Nenad Bicanic (University of Glasgow - United Kingdom)

Loosely Coupled Multi-disciplinary Simulation in PHYSICA
Avril Slone (University of Greenwich - United Kingdom)

An Integral Approach to the Multi-physics Data Sharing
Pere-Andreu Ubach de Fuentes (CIMNE - Spain)