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Numerical Based Medium Level Training on Industrial Friction Problems

NUFRIC - Numerical Based Medium Level Training on Industrial Friction Problems

Nufric is a project funded by EU in the frame of Leonardo programme. It intends to develop material based on computer information technology, directed to technology and science that can significantly improve teaching and training. 

The project is very close to new forms of learning and teaching in vocational and education training. In general, education in Europe still uses for the medium levels textbooks and methods developed during the first decades of the XX century. But globalisation of the economy is forcing whole economic sectors (which formerly could afford to work with traditional tools and change their products and services slowly) to become very competitive in short periods of time. This project intends to give an example of how to change the style of education at technical vocational training, bypassing the traditional syllabus of technical courses.

The objectives of the project are clearly established to transfer knowledge that currently stays in research circles to the basic level technical education. The project will rewrite (both in the literary and computer program sense) existing methodologies to reach a broader audience than the current one, in particular students and young professionals. The principal aim is that these groups, often looking for a first job can use advanced numerical tools for the analysis and design of contact, friction and wear problems. Since it is challenging to transfer complicated knowledge into material that can be quickly and profitably taught to students and young professionals, Nufric has been limited to a particular subject of computer-oriented numerical methods: contact-friction-wear of mechanical parts, a subject that in any case has great technical and economic interest and therefore potential impact on employment. It is important to notice that this kind of work is not currently available: most, if not all of the printed and Internet material are at the advanced level.

The expected outputs of the project are :

  • Scientific articles (at least 2) in international journals. English, available from middle to end of the project
  • Communications (at least 3) in international congresses. Several languages, available from middle to end
  • Publication of 1 book in English, German, Spanish and Italian available at the end
  • Publication of 1 monograph in English and Spanish available at the middle
  • Posting in all partners' web pages (in their own language) of technical reports each semester
  • Simulatneous publication of bulletins both in original language and in English
  • CD-ROM with computer programs
  • Material for conferences and workshops to be taught in English, German, Spanish and Italian