Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis graduated in aeronautical engineering (Bachelor of Science BSc and Master of Science MSc) from ImperialCollege, University of London and obtained Doctorates in Structural Dynamics from the University of Stuttgart (Dr.-Ing.), Germany, and Imperial College University of London (PhD), England. Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis received in 2011 an honorary Doctorate from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). Prof. Dr.Stavrinidis received in 2016 an honorary Doctorate from the University of Patras. Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis was awarded in 2012 the DGLR Eugen-Sänger medal.
Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis has published over 90 papers, many in refereed journals. He is a visiting Professor at the Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey, the Aerospace Department of Imperial College, London, UK, and Professor at the Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.
He worked in industry with Lloyds Register of Shipping, Kongsberg, and the European Space Agency (ESA) before joining IABG in an Executive position. Up to March 2016 Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis has been the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department which covers the major space disciplines Structures, Mechanisms, Automation and Robotics, Thermal Control, Propulsion, Aerothermodynamics, Optics, Optoelectronics, Life and Physical Sciences, Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS), Verification Testing (AIV/AIT), and the major ESA Test Facilities at ESTEC for the verification of space vehicles systems and subsystems. The Department is responsible for the developments that are being performed in these areas in various Agency Technology and Satellite Programmes. Since April 2016 Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis has joined IABG as CEO Executive Adviser and Business Development in particular in the areas of Aeronautics, Space, and Automotive Engineering and currently he is the IABG Technical Director and Member of the executive board.
Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis is a Chartered Engineer with the UK Engineering Council, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS), Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (FAIAA), Member of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Member of Académie de I' Air et de I' Espace (AAE), Space Branch Chairman of the Council of European Aerospace Societies(CEAS), Member of the Structures and Materials Committee of the RAeS Specialist Group, Chairman of the International Astronautics Federation (IAF) Committee on Materials and Structures, and Chairman of NAFEMS, the international professional association on simulation technology for the engineering analysis community. Prof. Dr. Stavrinidis is a member of the Technology Advisory Board (TAB) of the Imperial College Aeronautics Department. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Governing Body of the University of Delft, The Netherlands. Prof. Dr.Stavrinidis is Editor in Chief of the CEAS ESAJDLR Space Journal that promotes the publication of outstanding space engineering achievements in this European refereed journal.
Dr Stavrinidis was elected Chairman of NAFEMS in 2004.
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