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Optimisation Working Group

The Optimisation Working Group is responsible for promoting the adoption, further development and best practice in the use of optimisation methods in engineering simulation-based design for the benefit of the user community.

The focus is on the application of design optimisation techniques in engineering analysis and simulation.

Optimisation Community

The Optimisation Working Group has formed an online community which allows the NAFEMS membership to engage with experts on the NAFEMS Optimisation Working Group (OWG). No significant knowledge or expertise is required to participate.

Visit the Optimisation Community webpage for more information.

Terms of Reference

You can learn more about the group's goals and activities by downloading the Terms of Reference for the working group below. 

Optimisation Terms of Reference


An outline of the group's remit and activities can be downloaded below:

Optimisation Working Group Overview

If you would like to express an interest in becoming a member the OWG, please complete this form.

OWG Chair

Dr Nadir Ince
Director, Analytics & Digital Engineering Power Digital Solution
GE Power