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Modelling Structural Failure - What does it Mean to You?

Modelling Structural Failure

What does it mean to you?

1-minute read
NAFEMS Computational Structural Mechanics Working Group - August 8th 2022


NAFEMS' Computational Structural Mechanics Working Group (CSMWG) are excited to see “Modelling Structural Failure” as one of the topics being covered at the NAFEMS World Congress 2023, as it’s one of the main areas of interest for the group. But the more we thought about it, the more we realised that there was a lot of different ways of looking at the topic.

NAFEMS CSM Working Group

We decided to poll our own members about what aspects of failure and modelling were of most interest, and came up with a list of questions to capture what we wanted to know. The answers contained a huge variety of applications and interests, and raised some fascinating issues. But we soon realised that if we asked the same set of questions of the analysis and simulation community as a whole, then we could use what we learnt to shape the group’s future activities on this topic.

Which is where you come in!

Give us your thoughts, problems, and challenges on the topic of structural failure at the link below. There are no correct answers, and every response counts!

The working group will collate and analyse the responses, report back a summary to Benchmark magazine, and will use the information to steer future work.

Take part