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VCollab helps manufacturing companies maximize the returns on their simulation investments and helps them to innovate.

- VCollab unifies the simulation results from multiple CAE solvers and sources into one common & compact format

- VCollab streamlines the processing of simulation results. CAE Analysts spend minutes instead of hours and create far superior Actionable Simulation Insights in the form of 3D "Digital CAE Reports", enabling faster & better design decisions.

- Reduces human errors during post-processing and creation of the CAE Reports thru smart automation. Improves the product quality and reduces product recalls.

- Streamlines the design decision-making process based on the actionable Simulation Insights using "Digital CAE Reports". Compared to traditional 2D CAE reports, the 3D DIgital CAE Reports helps product Designers and other stakeholders to quickly and clearly understand product performance for faster, better-informed design decisions.

VCollab helps manufacturing companies to digitally transform the CAE Report from analog PowerPoint to "Digital CAE Report". to improve the efficiency in making simulation-based design decisions.

Democratizing this information can help transform the process of simulation to bring better, more innovative products to market.

Software Details

Vendor: Visual Collaboration Technologies Inc.
Tech Area: