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NAFEMS Americas

NAFEMS supports over 500 member companies located in the Americas region who are actively engaged in the analysis, simulation, and systems engineering community.


The goal of NAFEMS Americas is to support the mission of the international NAFEMS organization, namely:

  • To facilitate international industry, academia and government collaboration that leverages unbiased multi-disciplinary engineering expertise
  • To improve product and process simulation
  • To have a positive impact on quality, profitability, schedules and safety


NAFEMS Americas Annual Review 2022

Download the NAFEMS Americas Annual Review 2022

NAFEMS Americas will focus on the virtual product development requirements as defined by industry, academia and governments in North and South America. Its mission is to act as a trusted source and a collaborative resource for the best engineering modeling, simulation and analysis practices in the development of safe, reliable, and affordable products. Its focus is to champion and improve best practices, to promote and enrich educational opportunities aligned with rapidly-advancing technologies, and to advance the productivity and quality of virtual product development processes.

Specific objectives of NAFEMS America are to:

  • Promote COLLABORATION within the international engineering analysis and simulation community
  • Stimulate INNOVATION via transfer of knowledge in the use of advanced scientific, engineering and computing technologies
  • Maximize PRODUCTIVITY through improved best practices used in product development engineering processes
  • Implant QUALITY in the methods and techniques exploited by virtual product development processes


Regional Staff

We are available to take your call Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 5:00pm (EST), except on holidays.

K​athy Elliott

V​ice President - Americas Operations
1​10 East Gambler Street
M​ount Vernon
O​hio 43050

North America Regional Manager