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CFD advisory board

NAFEMS Computational Fluid Dynamics Advisory Board for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (DACH)

At the beginning of 2012, the NAFEMS DACH steering committee decided to increase support for Computational Fluid Dynamics activities. Consequently, the NAFEMS DACH CFD Advisory Board was founded.

The main topic of the first meeting in Munich was to define the aims and the goals of the group in coordination with the international NAFEMS Computational Fluid Dynamics working group and the NAFEMS DACH steering committee.

The basic activities of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Advisory Board are the support of the NAFEMS DACH steering committee in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

The aims of the Advisory Board are to inform users and potential users of upcoming technology developments, provide a larger supply of trained users able to exploit the available software, inform users and potential users of upcoming technology developments, create studies of the CFD market and usage, show and communicate benefits of usage e. g. by case studies, achieve improved understanding of industry needs, provide trusted neutral platforms for discussion of topics of interest, and provide opportunities for people with diverse interests in CFD to interact in a neutral environment.

The CAB supports and advices the NAFEMS DACH steering committee on CFD issues, e. g. seminars, regional conferences, and other activities. The Advisory Board also liaises with the international NAFEMS Computational Fluid Dynamics working group. Authorized by the NAFEMS DACH steering committee, members of the CAB can organize and execute seminars and other activities in cooperation with NAFEMS. The Computational Fluid Dynamics Advisory Board is a neutral platform to discuss CFD topics in a specialist group and it is an independent platform for the collaborative implementation of independent activities.

The members of the group are representatives from software vendors, industry, research and universities. The group welcomes new members.

If you have any comments or questions please use this e-mail address:

CAB Members

  • Arzu Avci (Festo)
  • Werner Dirschmid (Consultant)
  • Torsten Grahs (Volkswagen)
  • Ulrich Heck (DHCAE)
  • K​ai Häberle (Alfred Kärcher)
  • Burkhard Hupertz (Ford)
  • Vishal Jambhekar (Dassault Systémes)
  • Uwe Janoske (Universität Wuppertal), chair
  • Volker Kassera (CFD Consultants)
  • J​örg Kuhnert (Fraunhofer ITWM)
  • Gerd Rapin (Volkswagen)
  • Stefan Rudolph (Cascate)
  • Christoph Starke (Siemens PLM Software)
  • Rainer Stauch (Hochschule Esslingen)
  • Arthur Stück (DLR Inst. für Softwaremethoden zur Produkt-Virtualisierung)