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Eastern Europe

NAFEMS Eastern Europe

NAFEMS is the international association for the engineering simulation and modelling community. Since its inception in 1983 NAFEMS has worked to represent the engineering simulation community and provide resources that facilitate best practice in the application of engineering simulation.

The NAFEMS Eastern Europe region currently comprises of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, North-Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia (this is flexible with no restrictions and can be extended, based on interest).

NAFEMS Eastern Europe Steering Committee is responsible for the planning of seminars, courses and conferences in the region. It's role is to recommend and support NAFEMS activities in Eastern Europe, consistent with NAFEMS objectives.

Regional conferences are run regularly throughout the region, and the Steering Committee ensures that the needs of the analysis community are being met by the events programme.

For a full list of planned and past events, please go to our events page.

Download the NAFEMS Eastern Europe Activity Report

Student Award 2024 – 2025

Award for outstanding student work in the field of engineering simulation

The NAFEMS Eastern Europe Student Award recognises exceptional achievements in the field of engineering simulation among mechanical engineering students across the Eastern Europe region.

This prestigious award invites mechanical engineering students to showcase their innovative use of simulation technologies such as Finite Element Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Electromagnetics, System Simulation and other numerical techniques used in mechanical engineering applications. By participating, students gain the opportunity to have their work evaluated by experts, receive valuable feedback, and compete for recognition at an international level.

S​ubmission deadline: 30th of September 2025.

M​ore Details

Regional Representative

Marton Groza
