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  • Manufacturing process

LMS and NX Software

  • Laminate modelling and optimisation
  • Multi-physics simulation
  • Damage and failure analysis

For the complex challenge of advanced composites engineering, Siemens PLM Software provides a comprehensive portfolio for design, validation and manufacturing of composite structures.

The Siemens Fibersim solution supports all phases of composites design and manufacturing.Engineers can select the best design methodology for the job, automatically populate the CAD model with detailed ply geometry, simulate manufacturing producibility based on materials and process, integrate with composites CAE,verify design requirements and create factory floor instructions and data sets that ensure consistent product quality.

The SiemensNX, LMS Virtual.Lab, NX Nastran and LMS Samcef solutions provide a complete and open CAE toolset for analysis of continuous and short fibre composite materials. The Siemens portfolio capabilities include specialised modelling tools and solutions for laminate optimization, static and dynamic analysis,progressive damage, fatigue and NVH.

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