The Computational Electromagnetics Technical Working Group aims to provide best practice guidance on how to undertake eletromagnetic simulation.
The Computational Electromagnetics Working Group (CEMWG) is international and the majority of meetings will be held using web conferencing tools. Working group members enjoy networking opportunities and have the opportunity to learn about the simulation techniques other experts from across the globe operating in a range of industries are employing.
If you have considerable experience in the area of Computational Electromagnetic Simulation and would like to participate in this new group, please complete the contact form below.
If you are interested in the activities of the CEMWG, check out the latest presentation from José Alves (Vice Chair of CEMWG), which has been held at the International Multiphysics Conference 2023, on the 14th of November 2023, in Munich, Germany.
The Terms of Reference for the CEMWG can be viewed below.
If you would like to express an interest in becoming a member the CEMWG, please complete the form below.
Please fill out this form for us to be able to get in touch with you.
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