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Members of the Simulation Data Management Working Group

Members of the Simulation Data Management Working Group


Additional to the chair and vice chair - other members of the NAFEMS Simulation Data Management Working Group are listed below:

  • Steve Arnold | NASA
  • Ambikapathy Naganathan | Cummins Inc.
  • Carsten Franke | Prostep AG
  • Keith Meintjes | CIMdata, Inc.
  • R​od Dreisbach | NAFEMS Technical Fellow
  • Matteo Nicolich | Aras
  • Federico Funghi | Baker Hughes
  • David Leal | Caesar Systems Ltd
  • Jochen Boy | Prostep AG
  • Mark Norris | the SDM Consultancy
  • Francois Legrand | Valeo Comfort & Driving Assistance
  • A​lbrecht Pfaff | PDTec
  • Mark Taylor | Boeing