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Chairman - Mary Fortier

Mary Fortier

Engineering Group Manager for Robust Synthesis & Analysis
General Motors

Mary Fortier is engineering group manager for Robust Synthesis & Analysis.  This group integrates statistical methods with Computer Aided Engineering to provide robust design solutions during the Virtual Vehicle Development cycle. Mary has global responsibility for GM’s Robustness and Optimization methods. She is chairperson for the CAE Global Focus Group Robust Synthesis & Statistical Integration.  This focus area performs the research, tool development and standard work for execution of CAE-based Robust Design.  Mary has been with General Motors for 16 years.  Her assignments have consisted of internal statistical consulting for engineering, finance, and audit, legal, service operations, and manufacturing.  Mary has a Masters degree in Statistics from Oakland University, a Masters in Business Administration from Walsh College, and a Bachelor degree in Chemistry & Medical Technology from Saginaw Valley State College.