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Alexander Karl

Alexander Karl

Team Leader Mechanical Methods - Derby

Optimisation SMT Leader, DfPE Technical Lead

Design Technology & Mechanical Methods

Rolls-Royce plc


1985 – 1991                                                                                       University of Stuttgart

April and May 1990                                                                                 Short stay at the van Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Brussels

1991 – 1997                                                                                      Research Assistant at the Thermodynamic Faculty for Aerospace Technologies at the University of Stuttgart


1991       Dipl.-Ing. Aerospace Technologies from the University of Stuttgart,                                                                                            Interaction of rocket plumes with the outer hypersonic flow field during the re-entry manoeuvre, MBB-DASA, Ottobrunn               

1997       Dr.-Ing. from the University of Stuttgart                               Investigation of interaction effects between droplets and walls above the Leidenfrost temperature


September 1997 – September 2004                                                      Rolls-Royce Deutschland (formerly BMW Rolls-Royce)

Since October 2004                                                                               Rolls-Royce plc

Areas of Expertise:

Design for Six Sigma, Optimisation, Process Integration and Automation

Current Role:

I am leading a team of specialist in the area of mechanical methods (vibration, impact, FE analysis). I am also responsible for Optimisation and the capability acquisition in this area. In my role as technical lead for the Design for Six Sima project I am responsible for the development and deployment of the respective capability for Rolls-Royce.