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Michel Klein

Michel Klein

Head of Thermal & Structures Division                                        


Since March 2000, Head of the Thermal & Structures Division at ESA-Estec, responsible for project support, R&D plans and activities definition, infrastructure definition and maintenance management (Mechanical System Laboratory, Structures computing facility, Thermal & ECSL computing facility, technical IT services).

December '94, Head of Structural Design section at ESA-Estec

November '83, joined Estec as structural engineer.

July '74, joins Matra Mechanical & Thermal Department / Velizy for the mechanical support to space projects and other multiple application fields.

Involved in following space projects: Diamant-BP4, Ariane-1 to -5, VEGA, Hermes, ATV, CRV / X38, ERS-1, Hubble Space Telescope, SOHO, Cluster, PPF - Envisat, Columbus, Cupola, Ulysses, Huygens, Artemis, ISO, XMM, Integral, Meteosat,  Metop,  SMART-1, Rosetta,  LISA-PF, BepiColombo, GAIA, SWARM, Herschel-Planck, MarsExpress, Galileo’s, GOCE,  and others.

Contact with Organisations such as: CNES, NASA (Goddard, Marshall, JPL), DLR, Alcatel, Alenia, Astrium establishments in Europe, CASA, Contraves, as well as OHB, and many other space players in Europe. ECSS convenor of working groups of Engineering and System Engineering, member and ESA representative in the ECSS Engineering Panel (since 2001), active observer to ECSS Debris working group (SDWG) and to ECSS- ISO cooperation (ODCWG), in contact with INCOSE.

R&D and Publications: Numerous activities in the frame of ESA R&D programmes, as reflected in the publications in various fields of mechanical engineering of space systems as well as system engineering, see attached Annex.

Chairman of the ESA Working  Group 6 “Generic Technologies” during the 2003 exercise for the definition of R&D 2004-2006 work plan.

Giving System Engineering short course at the Aerospace Engineering Department of University La Sapienza / Rome, at ½ day System Engineering introductory course at Estec for ESA Internal University. Contributor to other Estec courses.

Organizer / co-organizer of the Structure, Testing & Materials Conferences  (CNES, DLR, ESA), of the Space System Design Verification and AIT workshop. AIAA reviewer for the Journal of Guidance and Control (2000).