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September 2019 Meeting

SMS Community - September 2019

Meeting #31 of the NAFEMS-INCOSE Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group (SMSWG) was held Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 11:00 AM EDT for one hour as an online meeting.

Agenda for meeting

Renewal of NAFEMS and INCOSE MoURoger Burkhart (John Deere)
Report out from the joint NAFEMS/INCOSE meeting from the NWC ’19Rod Dreisbach (NAFEMS and SMSWG)
Roadmap Focus Team UpdateFrank Popielas (SMS_ThinkTank)
Terms and Definitions Focus Team UpdateEd Ladzinski (SMS_ThinkTank)
Other TopicsFrank Popielas (SMS_ThinkTank)
Merged slide deck of all agenda topics

A recording of the meeting will be available on the SMSWG Collaborative Community. (SMSWG community access required. Request community membership using the "Get Involved (SMS Community)" page.