Attendees at the NAFEMS World Congress 2025 will have access to a range of exclusive short training courses, as part of their registration. These short courses are presented by expert tutors, and offer an opportunity for personal development in-person at the Congress. Places will be available on a first-come, first served basis in Salzburg.
How to Implement a Simulation Strategy | Andy Richardson, Phronesim Ltd. | |
An Introduction to Simulation V&V | Jean-Francois Imbert, Consultant | |
AI for Simulation Engineers | Max Kassera, yasAI | |
Introduction to Multiphysics | Jozsef Nagy, Eulerian Solutions | |
Polymer Testing for Solid Mechanics FE Simulation | Sean S. Teller, Veryst Engineering | |
German FKM Guidelines – An Introduction | Klemens Rother, University of Applied Sciences Munich | |
Debugging Finite Element models - A systematic methodology | Patrick Morelle, Consultant | |
Fundamentals of MultiBody Dynamics Simulation | Patrick Morelle, Consultant | |
10 Steps to Successful Explicit Dynamic Analysis | Gino Duffett, NAFEMS | |
Practical Introduction to Non-Linear FEA | Gino Duffett, NAFEMS | |
Process Integration and Design Optimization - A Practical Guide | Gino Duffett, NAFEMS | |
This short course introduces key simulation Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) concepts and methodologies aimed at building simulation credibility, and in line with current standards.
Finally, benefits for industrial organizations, implementation issues, and recommended practices are highlighted.
Jean-François Imbert
During more than 40 years Jean-François Imbert dedicated his career to the aerospace sector where he held expert and management key positions with main technical expertise in Structure Mechanics & Engineering Simulation (Finite Element Analysis). His last position in the aeronautical industry (Airbus) was Vice-President Engineering, Head of Structure Analysis.
Retired from Airbus, he is now an independent consultant specialized in VVUQ for Modelling and Simulation (M&S). He is actively promoting M&S Credibility Assurance in consulting projects mainly in aerospace and defense. He is member of the ASME VVUQ 10 Committee for Solid Mechanics and the NAFEMS SGMWG (Simulation Governance and Management Working Group) where he is actively involved in the development of VVUQ standards. He has been teaching NAFEMS Simulation V&V Courses during the last 7 years with his colleague Philippe Pasquet. is presently a NAFEMS Technical Fellow and Emeritus member of AAAF (Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France).
This short course will introduce the participants to the applications of AI for simulation engineering. It will start with a beginner-friendly introduction to how AI systems work and how they are built. It will then cover use cases where AI outperforms traditional methods as well as cases where AI is not the optimal choice. Interactive elements and a Q&A are integrated to enhance understanding and engagement. Whether you're a beginner or have some knowledge of AI, this workshop will provide a balanced and realistic perspective on the evolving intersection of AI and simulation engineering.
Max Kassera
Max studied mechanical engineering with a minor in economics at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, where he first applied machine learning and artificial intelligence to turbocharger design in 2017. After graduating, he was awarded two German government grants to develop AI software for mechanical engineering, which led to the incorporation of yasAI in 2022. With yasAI, Max began training engineers in applying AI to simulation projects with a focus on simulations and fluid mechanics. This short course is an excerpt of the NAFEMS accredited training course "Fundamentals of AI for Simulation Engineers"
In this course participants will learn about the basics of Multiphysics simulations in the fields of Conjugate heat transfer simulations as well as Fluid Structure Interaction simulations. After the presentation of the basic ideas as well as the coupling methods participants will be shown several pitfalls they should avoid when setting up multiphysics simulations.
Join Dr. Sean Teller for a short course on polymer testing and modeling for solid mechanics simulations. He will present on the mechanical behavior of polymers, including time- and temperature- dependence, as well as the advanced test methods used to accurately capture the mechanical behavior. He will also discuss constitutive models available in commercial codes, including linear viscoelasticity and non-linear viscoelastic/viscoplastic material models. Last he will review methods to use these in your simulations, and the importance of a well-designed validation test.
The FKM guideline is a standard developed by the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau (Research Committee for Mechanical Engineering) – FKM - for static and cyclic strength verification. Due to its broad applicability, the strength verification has become widely used in mechanical engineering and other industries.
In this short course, we’ll explains the basic ideas of a methodology to debug linear and nonlinear implicit finite element models efficiently and systematically. We shall explain how to interpret issues most frequently encountered when developing finite element models for static analysis and understand the associated error messages. We will explore the range of debugging tools offered by finite element software and learn how to best use them to find a solution. Many error messages are self-explanatory, but the most concerning issues with your models can lead to error messages that are much less clear and difficult to correct. The relation between the message and its cause is not always obvious and requires significant effort to be addressed. We shall introduce during this short course the basics about how to manage these situations. We will explore the different causes of numerical difficulties, propose a methodology to speed up the debugging process, and finally reach solver convergence to obtain the expected results from your models. As a result of this course, you will also be able to efficiently prepare a discussion with your favorite software hotline to speed up the problem-solving process and get results from your models.
In this short course, we’ll introduce theoretical, numerical, and methodological background which will allow you to build your first Multibody Dynamic (MBD) models, and then progress to more complex ones. Examples are discussed in detail allowing you to understand not only model construction but how and why a given model has been built that way. They illustrate the use of multiple commercial MBD software packages as concrete examples of applications of existing commercial technology. The end of the course is devoted to some of the many ways we can introduce more realism in MBD models so to cover aspects like mechatronics, modeling of gear boxes or take into account nonlinear flexible components and their influence on the behavior of the models.
This short course provides a brief overview of the full explicit dynamics course that is structured according to a simulation set-up, guiding the engineer through the solution steps and decisions in carrying out an explicit dynamic analysis. The theoretical nature together with its software implementation and advantages and disadvantages are discussed to help engineers carry out explicit dynamic simulations, ensuring accurate and robust solutions with correct analysis choices avoiding possible typical pitfalls.
Many problems facing engineers are nonlinear in nature, where the response of a structure may have large or even permanently deformations, loads and constraints may change, components may interact with each other, etc. This short course overviews these aspects providing a background as to how these effects can be simulated, considering material, geometric and boundary nonlinearities. Additionally, comparisons between linear to nonlinear analysis features and methods are made to enable users make the correct decisions on selecting nonlinear analyses and to understand the increase in computer resources required.
This short course provides a brief overview of the full course that is offered, discussing simulation process integration and optimization methods that engineers could use to enhance their working methods and improving their designs. The course provides information and guidelines on multi-objective and multi-disciplinary optimization using many variable types, including restrictions and decision making. Many algorithms are discussed in a practical way including Artificial Intelligence and statistical methodologies to help guide engineers in the creation of successful, efficient optimization strategies.
Gino Duffett has over 30 years of experience in CAE software development, training, industrial implementation and usage on an international level in various sectors, mostly automotive and renewable energy. Currently a Technology Project Manager focussing on innovative simulation driven design and automatic optimization.
Over his career Gino has taught numerical modelling up to university level, developed commercial courses and provided training for software users and university programmes on aspects such as metal forming, structural analysis, simulation process methodologies and optimization and has provided courses at business schools on mathematical modelling, ERP and multi-cultural management.
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