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Presentations - 10th June



10th June2013


Congress Opening
Costas Stavrinidis, NAFEMS Chairman

Front Loading by Calculation- Evolution or Revolution?
Ralph Sundermaier, Volkswagen, Germany

Simulation and Its New Role as the Development Engine in the Virtual Engineering Environment
Frank Popielas - Dana Corporation, USA

1A: CFD 1 - Multiphase

Mixing Process by Gas Bubbling: An Example of Model Validation for Industrial Engineering
H.Rouch, O. Geoffroy (Inopro, FRA)

Advances in Industrial Multiphase Flow Simulations
F.Muggli, M. Hack, R. Waeger (Sulzer Pumps, SUI)

Study of the Urea Decomposition in an Exhaust System
J.Braun, T. Wolf, L. Marie-Hieber, (Eberspächer Exhaust Technology, GER)

The Third Wave of CFD
I.Weinhold (Mentor Graphics, GER); J. Parry (Mentor Graphics, GBR)

Digital Prototyping Methodology for Cyclonic Multiphase Flow Separation
A.Kulkarni, M. Kulkarni, P. More (Eaton Technologies, IND); S. Showalter (Eaton Corporation, USA)

 1B: Composites 1

Development,Implementation and Demonstration of a Composite Tool Chain for Concurrent Engineering
T.Wille, R. Hein, M. Horn, A. Knote, M. Opitz (German Aerospace Center DLR, GER);N. Mayer, J. Prowe (EADS Innovation Works, GER), M. Calomfirescu (Cassidian,GER); J. Balvers (Eurocopter, GER); H. Apmann (Premium Aerotec, GER)

Analysis of Process Induced Shape Distortions and Stresses on an Integral Composite Flap
C.Brauner, A.S. Hermann (Faserinstitut Bremen, GER);  S. Bauer (Airbus, GER)

Consistent Virtual CFRP Process Chain using a Modular CAE Interface
M.Dix, S. Bickerton (BMW Group, GER); M. Tryfondis (BETA CAE Systems, GRE), R.Hinterhölzl (Technical University of Munich, GER)

Virtual Process Chain for an Integrated Assessment of High-Performance Composite Structures
L.Kärger, D. Magagnato, F. Henning (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GER); A.Schön, P. Böhler, S. Fischer (University of Stuttgart, GER); F. Fritz (German Institute of Textile Technology and Process Engineering Denkendorf, GER)

1C: Emerging Issues 1 -HPC 1

Computing Challenges for Today’s Engineering Analysis - Is Cloud the Answer?
A.Mosquera, Y. Khandhia, D. Hung (Applied Computing & Engineering, GBR); G.Georgiou (University of Liverpool, GBR)

The Uber Cloud HPC Experiment: Helping Bridge the Gap between Potential and Realized Benefits of High-Performance Cloud Computing for Engineering Simulation
D.Nagy (BeyondCAE, USA); W. Gentzch (Consultant, GER), B. Yenier (Cash Edge, USA)

HPC in Structural Mechanics: Accommodating both Research and End-User Interest Inside an All-Purpose Software
T.De Soza, N. Sellenet (EDF, FRA)

High Performance Computing for Machining Simulations
S.Usui, X. Man, S. Jayanti, L. Teo, T.D. Marusich (Third Wave Systems, USA)

MUSIC Project: Intelligent Management of Manufacturing Information to Drive Metal and Plastic Production Line for Injected Components
N.Gramegna (Enginsoft, ITA); F. Bonollo (Università di Padova, ITA)

1D: Automation

Best Demonstrated CAE Practise Builds up by Tool Scripting
W.Moretti (Schindler Elevator, SUI)

Development of a Multidisciplinary Process Chain for the Preliminary Design of Aircraft Structures
D.Schwinn, D. Kohlgrueber, K. Harbig, J. Scherer (German Aerospace Centre, GER)

Design Studies and Optimization of Functional Surfaces utilizing Open Source CFD
J.Palluch, S.Weickgenannt, M. Saroch (Friendship Systems, GER), B. Leroy, A.Zimmer (ICON, GBR)

Automatic Generation of FE Input Cards for Fastener Modeling
C.Obertscheider, F. Westermann, M. Fleischmann, J. Noisternig (FACC, AUT)

Automation of Day-To-Day Analysis
R.Paßmann, M. Hermann, M. Holzner (SynOpt, GER)

1E: Fatigue - 1

Accurate and Efficient Methods for Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis
C.Gaier, K. Hofwimmer, H. Dannbauer (Magna Powertrain, AUT)

Cyclic Stress-StrainBehaviour of AE44 Cast Magnesium Alloy and its Impact on Durability CAE Processes
Z.Lu, P.A. Blackmore (Jaguar Landrover, GBR)

A New Frequency Request Method on Vibration Fatigue Analysis
J.Koo (Hyundai Mobis, KOR)

Fatigue Analysis of Polymer Components with Short Fiber Reinforcement
S.Vervoort (Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, GER)

Damage Analysis of Casting Materials Under Creep-Fatique Load Conditions
F.Längler  (BorgWarner Turbo Systems Engineering, GER); T. Mao, A. Scholz (Technical University of Darmstadt, GER)

1F: Multiphysics 1

Swelling of Deformed Polymers, A Case of Multiphysics
M.Achenbach, R. Boschet, P. Klein (Parker Hannifin Manufacturing, GER)

Simplified NumericalAnalysis of Fuel Cell Stacks Using Image Processing Technique
J.Kim, C. Yim (Hyundai Motor Group, KOR)

3D Multiphysics Finite Element Model of a Highly Nonlinear Glass Forming Process
C.Janya-anurak, H. Birkhofer, T. Bernard (Fraunhofer IOSB, GER), Q. Ma (HeraeusTenevo, USA)

Modeling and Simulation of an Acrylic Acid Production Process
M.Latifi, M. Lei, F. Lesage (University of Lorraine, FRA); S. Tretjak (ArkemaCRDE Carling, FRA)

Wading Simulation –Challenges and Solutions
P.Khapane, U. Ganeshwade (Jaguar Landrover, GBR)

1G: Optimization 1 –Topology

CAE-Driven Design of an Aluminum Bus Body
W.Na, J. Park, J. Moon, S. Lee (Hyundai Motor Group, KOR)

Fatigue Based Topology Optimization of Large and Flexible Multibody Dynamic Systems
W.Wittteveen (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, AUT), K. Puchner (Magna Powertrain, AUT), K. Sherif (Linz Center of Mechatronics, AUT)

Topology Optimization by Coupling a Commercial FE Software and an External Mathematical Optimizer
C.Ballauf (Siemens, GER); L. Komzsik (Siemens PLM Software, USA)

Design for Energy Effenciency: Structural Optimization Process for Mechanical Parts in Dynamic Systems
C.Sander, M. Kellner; A. Albers (Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie, GER)

SPDM 1: Automotive

SPDM 2.0: Evolution of Solutions & Potential Business Value
M. Norris, Infosys

Simulation and Testing Data Management at Faurecia Automotive Seating
C.Lemaitre, M. Debray (Faurecia Automotive Seating, FRA)

Introduction ofSimulation Data Management in a Global Automotive Company
T.Pohl, U. Warnecke (Adam Opel, GER); Z. Petrovic (Siemens Industry Software, GER)

Sources of Value inSimulation Data and Process Management
N.Kondragunta, S. R. Shankar (Siemens PLM Software, USA)

2A: CFD 2 - DesignProcess

Fast Electro-ThermalCalculation Method of Electrical Equipment Configuration Adapted to Business Stakes
O.Morin, C. Kilindjian, J.M. Carrante, P. Lepretre (Schneider Electric, FRA)

Numerical Basis ofCAD-Embedded Immersed Boundary CFD
A.Sobachkin, G. Dumnov (Mentor Graphics, RUS)

Application-Orientated Tools Based on Open-Source Solutions: New Potentialities for CFD Integration into the Design Process
U.Heck, M. Becker (DHCAE Tools, GER)

Three-Dimensional FlowModel for High Velocity Channel
A.Abo, D. Greaves, A. Ruby, A. Kyte (University of Plymouth, GBR); R.J. Muhammad(University of Duhik, IRQ)

 2B: Dynamics &Testing

A New Simulation Method for Virtual Design and Evaluation of Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems
P.Wimmer, A. Rieser (Virtual Vehicle Research Center, AUT); W. Sinz (Universityof Technology Graz, AUT)

Fine Blanking Process Effect on Recliner Flanges Strength Simulations
G.Delattre, J.M. Gachet (Faurecia, FRA), P.O. Bouchard (Cemef Mines Paristech, FRA)

Strengthening and Stabilization of Locally Weakened Steel Tubes under Crash Conditions using Optimised Distribution of Material Hardening
X.Jing, W. Päuker, T. Ludewig (Volkswagen AG, GER); J. Schrödter, S. Hübner, B.A.Behrens (University of Hanover, GER)

Study of Fast DynamicBehaviour of Steel Web Cleat Connections
R.Rahbari, J.B. Davison, A. Tyas (University of Sheffield, GBR)

2C: HPC 2

Accelerating Commercial FEA Software Through High-Performance Computing
V.Belsky, M. Belyi, M. Kim (Dasssault Systemes Simulia, USA)

The Challenges Connected with Simulating Large Implicit Problems on Shared Memory and Distributed Memory Platforms
G.S. Kalsi (AWE, GBR)

Parallel Processing for Time-Dependent Heat Flow Problems
L.Margetts, L. Evans, J. Bushell, T. Lowe, A. Wallwork, P.M. Mummery (University of Manchester, GBR); W.E. Windes(Idaho National Laboratory, USA); P.Young (Simpleware Ltd.,  GBR)

Product Innovation using HPC Cloud
R.Kunju, V. Parameshwaran (Altair Engineering, USA)

2D: Materials 1 -Polymers

Numerical Modeling of Polymer Mounting by Using Fractional Differential Formulation
R.Herlein, S. Herold ( Fraunhofer LBF, GER)

Using Combination o fMold Filling And Mechanical Finite Element Simulations For Prediction of Ejection Forces
X.Jin, A. Bakharev, D. Astbury (Autodesk, AUS)

Designing Plastic Components of Power Transmission for Washing Machines
L.Ballesteros (Mabe Technology and Projects, MEX)

Material Characterization of Polymers
V.Kumar Mannaru (Eaton Technologies, IND); I. McCallister (Eaton, USA)

2E: V&V 1

Verification of Finite Element Analysis Results by 3-Dimensional Image Correlation
C.Wehmann, B. Alber-Laukant, F. Rieg (University of Bayreuth, GER)

An Adaptation of Quality Function Deployment for Planning Structural Analysis in Product Design Environment
S.Mobasseri (University of Brunel, GBR); S. Sivaloganathan, T. Shahin (UnitedArab Emirates University, UAE)

The Probabilistic Certificate of Correctness Metric for Early Stage Virtual Prototype Verification and Validation
A. Van der Velden, M. Kayupov, N. Hortig, D. Naehring (Dassault Systèmes Simulia, USA)

2F: Multiphysics 2

Multi-Client Co-Simulation of Electro-Magneto-Mechanically Actuated Three-Phase Medium-Voltage Reclosers
C. Simonidis, O. Craciun, V. Biagini, C. Reuber (ABB, GER); R. Scholl, B. Schweizer (University of Kassel, GER)

Simulation of Electrical Arcs and Industrial Plasmas – The Next Frontier for Multiphysics Simulations?
H. Nordborg (University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, SUI)

The Aspect of Mesh Distortion in FEM Modeling of Coupled Electro-Mechanical Field
D. Marinkovic, M. Zehn (Technical University of Berlin, GER)

Multi-Physics Modelling of High Density IC Encapsulation
A. Meganathan, S. Bayyuk, K. Jain (ESI Group, USA); R. Bouwman (ESI Group, GER)

   2G: Stochastics 1

The Benefits of Parametric Simulation in Structural Mechanics
P. Manne (Goodyear Innovation Center, LUX)

Stochastic Simulation of Aircraft Fuselage Assembly Considering Manufacturing Uncertainties
D. Vogt, S. Klostermann (EADS Innovation Works, GER)

Forward and Backward Uncertainty Quantification - Tools for Engineering Analysis
S. Poles (EnginSoft, ITA); G. Laccarino  (University of Stanford/Cascade Technologies, USA); A. Bassanese (Cascade Technologies, USA)

Sensitivity Analysis of the Effect of Uncertainties in Large FE Models
E. Patelli, M. Broggi (University of Liverpool, GBR)

SPDM 2 - Industry & Collaboration

Multifunction CFD Model Creation: A Step Towards Simulation Data Management (SDM)
D. Wellman (Jaguar Landrover, GBR)

Collaboration Strategy for Multidisciplinary Process in R&D Environment
D. Pinna ( Ansaldo Energia, ITA), M. Properzi (Siemens, ITA)

Managing Simulation Data to Assess Dams’ Safety at Centre d’Expertise Hydrique du Québec (CEHQ)
L. Degueldre, C. Semler (Le Groupe SimuTech, CAN); E. Auzolles (Centre d'Expertise Hydrique du Québec, CAN); T. Lehnhäuser (ANSYS Germany, GER)

Collaborative Engineering by Multi-Partner Distributed Simulation for Powerplant Thermal Integration
Y. Sommerer, Q.H. Nguyen (Airbus Operations, FRA);  G. Dubourg (Siemens PLM Software, FRA)

3A: Fluid-Structure Interaction 1

Robust and Efficient Simulation of Complex Fluid‐Structure Interaction Problems
V. Gravemeier, W.A. Wall (AdCo Engineering, GER)

Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations of the Sandia 100m Wind Turbine Blade
M. Ratzel (Altair Engineering, GER); D. Corson (Altair Engineering, USA)

Transient Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Radial Journal Bearings using a Multiphase Flow
Model with Integrated Cavitation
M. Geller, C. Schemmann, N. Kluck (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, GER)

Numerical Design and Analysis of Flexible Structures
E. Haug, P. de Kermel (ESI Group, FRA), R. Bouwman (ESI Group, GER), A. Michalski (SL Rasch, GER)

3B: CAD/CAE Integration 1

Integrated Approach for Geometric and Functional Validation of Vehicle Concepts in Initial Automotive
J. Mayr (Magna Steyr Engineering, AUT); M. Prenner, P. Rossbacher, M. Hirz (University of Technology Graz, AUT)

New Holistic Approaches for CAX-Based Conceptual Design
W. Pohl (Contact Software, GER); K. Rother, C. Löffl (University of Applied Sciences Munich, GER)

A Standard for Tool Independent Exchange of Simulation Models
T. Blochwitz (ITI, GER); M. Otter (German Aerospace Center DLR, GER); J. Akesson (Modelon, SWE); M. Arnold (University of Halle, GER); C. Clauß (Fraunhofer IIS EAS, GER); H. Elmqvist, H. Olsson (Dassault Systèmes, SWE); M. Friedrich (Simpack, GER); A. Junghans, J. Maus (QTronic, GER); D. Neumerkel (Daimler, GER); A. Viel (LMS, A Siemens Business, FRA)

A  Parametric and Modular Approach Towards the Simulation-Driven Seamless Design Process
H. Zimmer (SFE, GER)

MyTest: The Airbus Solution for Major Structural Test Measurements
P. Chezzi, J. Lasvenes (Airbus Operations, FRA)

3D: Materials 2

Collaborative Development of Finite Element Models for Honeycomb Crash Test Barriers
P. Culiere, M.J. Guan Jie (ESI Group, CHN); T. Nozar (Mecas-ESI, CZE); C. Stender, T. Vu Van (Volkswagen, GER)

Determination of Material Properties for the Crash Calculation of Elastomers, Taking Into Account Large Tensile and Compressive Strains
A. Kleuter, M. Bosseler (Parsolve, GER); G. Risy (Volkswagen, GER)

Data Quality of Materials Information used in Engineering Analysis Simulations
F.J. Moran (AWE, GBR)

Finite Element Modelling of Tensile Behaviour of Splices in Glare
N. Bijl (Fokker Aerostructures, NED)

Management of Experimental and Simulation Data on a Single Platform
H. Lobo (Matereality, USA)

3E: MBS 1

Torque Converter Damper Attenuation Performance using Multi-Body Systems Analysis
S. Biggs (Jaguar Landrover, GBR)

Multibody Dynamics as Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Objective Design Tool for Transmissions
J. Zeischka, J.Beuse, T. El-Dsoki, P. Kintler, C. Rachor, J. Sotnik (MSC Software, GER)

Virtual Testing in Support of Aircraft High Lift Devices and Landing Gear Design and for Validation Testing
W. Dehandschutter, S. Dutré, J. de Boer, Y. Lemmens (LMS, A Siemens Business, BEL)

Optimization of a Coal Wagon Tippler Design using Multibody Dynamics Simulations and Optimization Routines
S. Kumar, G. Mudgal, A. Chaudhuri (TimeTooth Technologies, IND), S. Dasgupta, A. Bannerjee (TRF, IND)

Vibrations Source Fingerprinting with Flexible Multibody Dynamics (MBD) and System Identification (SysID) Techniques
G. Mudgal, S. Verma, N. Bhattacharya (TimeTooth Technologies, IND)

3F: Contact

Highly Accurate Elastic Contact In Moving Structures
M.Klein, R. Helfrich (Intes, GER), A. Traub (Voith Turbo, GER)

Implicit Contact Involving Feature Edges and Beams
H.Harkness, X. Meng, G. Ang, D. Cojocaru (Dassault Systèmes Simulia, USA)

Simulation of Hyperelastic Sealings
C.Gebhardt, N. Nagl (Cadfem, GER)

3G: Stochastics - 2

A Simulation Framework for Robust Optimization Based on Metamodels
B.Rhein,  M. Ruschitzka (University ofApplied Sciences Cologne, GER); T. Clees (Fraunhofer SCAI, GER)

Stochastic Analysis and Design for Realistic Simulation
P.Koch, A. Van der Velden, S. Devanathan (Dassault Systèmes Simulia, USA)

Framework for the Management and Simulation of a Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Optimization Method as Applied to a Centrifugal Pump Impeller M.Landrain, B. Newill, B. Van der Heggen (Noesis Solutions, USA)

SPDM 3 - Solutions

Using Simulation Process& Data Management to Massively Scale Simulation via Cloud Computing
L.Kilfoy, D. Hagstrom (MSC Software, USA)

Managing CAE Data for Effective Decision Making in Product Development Process
J.Seybold, R. Srivastava, S. Mahalingam, V. Parameshwaran (Altair Engineering,GER)

A Framework for Simulation Process Management and Data Mining
C.Schöne (GNS, GER); R. Iza-Teran, J. Garcke (Fraunhofer SCAI, GER)

Standardization of CAE Data Management - Collaborative CAD/CAE Integration with CAE Services
J.Boy (Prostep, GER); M. Krastel (:em engineering methods, GER)

An SPDM Solution for Globally Sharing Information
T.Lehnhäuser, T. Frank,  (Ansys Germany,GER); M. Wilson, D. Clifton, S. Angadi, S. Bhide, C. Guetari (Ansys, USA); A.Adhiya (Ansys, IND)