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Pre-Congress: Sunday 11th June

Short Training Courses

As part of the NAFEMS World Congress 2017, attendees will have access to many training courses being held over the course of the congress. These courses will be taken by NAFEMS tutors, and cover topics as diverse as Non-Linear Analysis, Practical CFD, Simulation Credibility and Introduction to SPDM. Registered Congress attendees will be asked to pre-register before the event.


Structural Optimization in FEA
Tony Abbey

This short overview looks at the range of optimization techniques available in FEA today. A brief history shows the development of these methods and the various strengths and weaknesses. The future role of optimisation is discussed – particularly when aligned with new manufacturing methods and vastly improving computing resources. The final topic is the continuing role of the engineer in providing the required innovation and definition of the optimisation task.

Simulation Credibility
Jean-Francois Imbert

Industrial decision-making increasingly relies on engineering simulation. It is, therefore, essential to provide objective evidence of credibility to decision-makers and stakeholders. This short course introduces key concepts, methodologies and related standards (ISO, NAFEMS, ASME...) aimed at building simulation credibility including, management of modelling & simulation processes, data, competencies and Simulation Verification and Validation (V&V) including code verification, solution verification and validation with emphasis on physical testing. Finally, it provides an overview of implementation issues, strategies and recommended practices.

Introduction to SDM
Mark Norris

This session will provide an overview of the fundamentals of Simulation Data Management. It will serve equally well as a basic introduction to those who are new to the technology, and a refresher for those who already have an elementary understanding of the concepts. It will provide an excellent foundation for delegates intending to attend aspects of the SPDM conference.

Image-based modelling, Capture the variability and imperfection of the real world in your simulations 

Rebecca Bryan

Image-based modelling from 3D scans (MRI, CT, mCT and more) enables detailed analysis and simulation of complex natural and artificial structures. Join this workshop to learn about the key techniques, benefits and opportunities offered by image-based modelling and its many applications in areas across engineering sectors, from life sciences to materials research to reverse engineering.

CFD for Structural Designers and Analysts
Kamran Fouladi

This course aims to introduce the essential principles of fluid dynamics, important flow phenomena, and basics of CFD process to structural engineers and how CFD can be beneficial for their multidisciplinary problems.

Introduction to Vibration
T. Irvine

This course will cover natural frequencies, damping, signal identification, failure modes and excitation types. Several video clips will shown including the drop transient of a Pegasus launch vehicle, helicopter ground resonance and aircraft flutter.

Engineering Sciences Workflow Developments in the Government Sector - Part 1

This workshop brings together some of the leaders developing workflow capability for engineering and sciences in the government sector. The capabilities being developed are all targeting large-scale parallel computation, as this is now the norm for computing in this sector. The workshop will highlight recent developments, and consider some of the technical challenges as well as opportunities for leveraging the various capabilities. We hope to present a clear picture of where things stand and where they’re heading, and have a lively discussion about the various approaches from the teams


Composite FEA 

Tony Abbey

Due to the nature of composite materials, stress analysis and failure prediction is far more complex than isotropic materials. The objective of this overview is to break down the composite Finite Element analysis process into clearly defined steps, give an overview of the physics involved and show how to implement practical solutions using Finite Element Analysis.

Understanding and Enabling the Simulation Revolution
Joe Walsh

The ASSESS (Analysis, Simulation, and Systems Engineering Software Strategies) Initiative was formed to bring together key players for guiding and influencing the software strategies with a primary goal to facilitate this revolution of enablement that will vastly increase the availability and utility of engineering simulation, leading to significantly increased usage and business benefit from these computing technologies across the full spectrum of industries, applications and users. The ASSESS Initiative interacts and collaborate with multiple initiatives, activities and organizations across the complete spectrum of Engineering Simulation, including NAFEMS, INCOSE, IEEE, and many others.

Elements of Turbulence Modelling 
Kamran Fouladi

The objective of turbulence modelling is to develop equations that will predict the time-averaged velocity, pressure, and temperature fields without calculating the complete turbulent flow pattern as a function of time.

Spectral Analysis 
T. Irvine

Fourier transforms and their applications are presented. The Fourier transform will be used to identify the blade passing frequencies in an Apache helicopter. Other examples include a tuning fork and an electrical utility transformer.

Engineering Sciences Workflow Developments in the Government Sector - Part 2
R. Clay

This workshop brings together some of the leaders developing workflow capability for engineering and sciences in the government sector. The capabilities being developed are all targetinglarge-scale parallel computation, as this is now the norm for computing in this sector. The workshop will highlight recent developments, and consider some of the technical challenges as wellas opportunities for leveraging the various capabilities. We hope to present a clear picture of where things stand and where they’re heading, and have a lively discussion about the variousapproaches from the teams.

Numeca silver sponsor of NAFEMS World Congress

Digital engineering Magazine media partners of NAFEMS World congress



Altair Engineering
Beta CAE Systems
CEI / Ensight
Cimne GiD
Dassault Systemes Simulia
Digital Engineering
DYNAmore Nordic
ESI Group
FS Dynamics
Granta Design
HBM Prenscia
ITI – International TechneGroup
Mentor Graphics
MSC Software
Phoenix Integration
SDC Verifier
Siemens PLM
Technia Transcat
Volume Graphics