
Composites Abstracts

Challenging Simulation of a Novel Nap-core Sandwich Structure
Manfred Zehn - Berlin Technische Universitat, Germany

Towards High Flexible Composite Wings by Incorporating Detailed Finite Element Models in Global Wing Design Process
Tobias Bach - DLR-Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt, Germany

Development and Analyses of an Insert Connection for Sandwich Structures Made of CFRP
Frank Weidermann - FH Mittweida, Germany

Simulation of a Non-isothermal Prepreg Press Process for an Automotive Composite Application
Marianne John - Fraunhofer Insitut IMWS, Germany

Predictive Solutions for Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Components
Recep Yaldiz - SABIC,The Netherlands

Numerical Simulation of Consolidation and Cure Shrinkage Effects in Composite Parts
Tomasz Garstka - LMAT, United Kingdom

Influence of Type of Discrete Modelling of Fasteners in FEM Models
Rodrigo Martins - UFMG, Brazil

Deformation Prediction of RTM Produced Hybrid Metal-carbon Composites
Stefan Scheiblhofer - LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH, Austria

A Virtual Process Chain for 3D Process Simulation of Carbon Fiber Sheet Molding Compounds in Automotive Series Applications Simulation and Validation
Vitali Romanenko - BMW Group, Germany

The Importance of Being Thorough when Predicting Failure Location for Fiber Reinforced Plastics an Exemplary Application of the Integrative Tool Chain on Automotive Electronic Control Units
Dorothea Papathanassiou - Bosch Automotive Products (Suzhou) Co., China

Smart Connection Between CAD/CAE/CAM Software for AFP Composite Skin Application
Laurent Dubreuil - STELIA Aerospace, France

No Optimisation Without Automated Workflows - Automating ANSYS Structural Products
Douglas Weber-Steinhaus - ANSYS, Switzerland

Numerical Simulation and Improved Correlation Techniques for Low Energy Impact Detection and Damage Characterization with Elastic Waves on Composite Structures
Eduardo Oslé Dorremochea - Airbus Defence & Space, Spain

Failure Modeling for Laminates of Unidirectional Fiber-reinforced Polymers in Practical Engineering
Rudy Cloots - Code Product Solutions, The Netherlands

Development of the “Breakthrough Aerospace Material” between Industry and Academia
Rajab Said - ESI UK Limited, UK

Consolidating Digital Information From Computer Analysis and Physical Testing
Norman Swindells - Ferroday Limited, UK

Finite-Element Based Vibration Fatigue Analysis of Composite Materials
Peter Heyes HBM Prenscia, UK

Searching for Run-Time Efficient Approaches to Delamination Growth Predictions in Composites
Ronald Krueger - National Institute of Aerospace, USA

Prediction of Component Behavior of Short-Fiber-Reinforced Injection Molded Plastic Composites
Wolfgang Korte - PART Engineering GmbH, Germany

Ultimate Load Prediction of MMNCs Structures via Nonlocal FEM
Aurora Pisano - Reggio Calabria University, Italy

Static and Dynamic Failure Analysis of Advanced Aerospace Composite Container
George Laird - Predictive Engineering, USA

Multi-scale Modeling a Non-linear Simulation for Composite Materials
Andrew Littlefield -  US Army RDECOM-ARDEC, USA

Virtual Allowable Computation to Speed-up New CFRP Material Insertion
Mira Toth - e-Xstream, Canada

Optimisation of Variable Stiffness Composite Structures With Design Rules and Manufacturing Constraints, Based on Continuous Design Variables
Michael Bruyneel - GDTech, Belgium

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