
Computing/HPC Abstracts

3D Visualization of Large-scale CAE Models in the Cloud, the Technology, Benchmarks, and Industrial Applications
Grim Gjønnes - Ceetron AS, Norway

Integrating Windows and Linux Into a Single HPC Management View
Rachel Chicken - Bright Computing BV, The Netherlands

Distributed Post-processing of Particle Simulation Data Using the DEMA Code
Kevin Hanley - Edinburgh University, UK

Speedup of an Iterative FE-Solver Due to an Optimal Preconditioning Having Regard to the Imposition of Constraints
Daniel Billenstein - Universität Bayreuth, Germany

A New Hybrid High Order Discontinuous Galerkin-Finite Volume Method Applied to Industrial Applications Andrei Cimpoeru - CFMS Services Ltd, UK

Automated Multi-physics Co-simulation in the Cloud
Heming Chen - Hitachi America Ltd, USA

Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) for Industrial Design & Engineering
Erich Payer - deep virtuality GmbH, Austria

Highly Efficient Topology Optimization for Contact Models
Vladimir Belsky - Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA Corp, USA

Finite Element Weld Simulation by Virtual Fabrication Technology(R) Thermal & WARP3D Structural Software on a Supercomputer

Edward Punch - Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus, USA

HPC Performance Scalability of CFD Applications
Pak Lui - HPC Advisory Council, USA

Fluid-structure Interaction With Nonlinear Deformation in the Structure
Lee Margetts - School of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester - UK

High Performance CPU-GPU Frequency Domain Analysis
Mikhail Belyi - Simulia, Japan

Cheetah Solver - Breakthrough in Parametric Modeling
Nick Sidorenko - Cloud Invent, Israel

Collaborative Modeling across Automotive Disciplines
Venkat Parameshwaran - Altair Engineering, Inc, USA

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