
Joint Abstracts

Modeling of Sealing and Leakage Phenomena - Simulation Example of a Hyper-elastic and Viscous Material Julien MALLET - INOPROD, France

Investigation of Geometrical Effects of Adherents in Thick Adhesive Layer on Strength of Joints for Lightweight Application 
Vahid Ghaffari Mejlej - TU Braunschweig, Germany

Finite Element Analysis of a Bolted Joint Under Axial Loading and Comparison With the Experimental Results Ugur Okcu - FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.S., Turkey

Finite Element Simulation of the eRod Chassis
Martin Zueger - pinPlus ag, Switzerland

Clinching of High Strength Steels – Tests and Simulation
Szabolcs Jόnád - Knorr-Bremse Vasúti Jármű Rendszerek Hungária Kft., Hungary

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