- All manuscripts should be prepared using the template word document which can be downloaded from
- Papers which are not submitted in MS Word format, using the Congress template provided, will be automatically rejected and resubmission requested. PDF is NOT acceptable for submission.
- It is VITAL that the name of your manuscript file matches your submission ID. Therefore, your manuscript file should be named NWC19-xxx.doc or NWC19-xxx.docx
- If your paper is accepted, the abstract included at the beginning of your manuscript will be published in the printed proceedings, the full paper itself will be included on a USB drive, as part of the book of the proceedings and in due course will be made available for NAFEMS members to download.
- Pages should not be numbered, as the publishers will do this.
- The language of the congress is English
- Please note that all manuscripts should be carefully examined for grammar and spelling as this can cause unnecessary time being spent prior to acceptance of final manuscripts
- Affiliations must be provided on your full paper – please see examples in template
- Software, hardware products or vendor names must not be mentioned in the title of the full manuscript.
- Maximum length: not more than 7,000 words.
- The full manuscript should be technically focused and based on industrial applications. Commercial presentations will be rejected.
- Papers which simply reproduce established knowledge or documented material will not be accepted.
- Figures and Tables in numerical order must be integrated into the text, not appended to the end of the paper. They must be of a standard suitable for reproduction. Each Figure and Table must have a number and title, as per the template.
- The manuscript should be arranged in the following order, as per the template file:
- Title followed by the author’s name and affiliation
- Abstract
- Body of paper
- References and then appendices as necessary
- Symbols should be defined where they first appear in the text.
- Footnotes should be affixed to the bottom of the page. They should be referenced by a superscript number enclosed by parentheses in the text. Use Roman numbers for footnotes.
- Equations should be numbered. The equation number should be enclosed in parentheses.
- Each presentation will be allocated a 20-minute period in the congress agenda. To maintain the schedule necessary, authors presenting papers are urged to time their talks such-that a few minutes are reserved for short questions. Since each paper will be available to participants in the form of the complete conference proceedings, the presentations should concentrate on communicating only the major features of the work.
- You must e-mail your manuscript to by Monday February 4th 2019 at the very latest.
- Authors are required to register online for the congress - you can register at Please note that the proceedings document will only contain papers from authors who have completed their registration for the event.
- Manuscripts will only be accepted if they are provided in the correct format, using the template provided and adhering to all these instructions.
- Please complete your biography and declaration online using the link emailed to you with your abstract acceptance.
- Please note that a maximum of two presentations may be made at the event, by each speaker.