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IGS UK and NAFEMS Webinar: Why is geogrid so difficult to model in FEA? by Dr. Andrew Lees

IGS UK and NAFEMS Webinar: Why is geogrid so difficult to model in FEA? by Dr. Andrew Lees

Why is geogrid so difficult to model in FEA?

Tuesday, 18th February 2025
12:00pm (GMT/ UK Time)

Geogrids are composed of polymers with complex geometries and non-linear constitutive behaviour. So, how should they best be represented in FEA models?

Even with the correct constitutive models and input parameters, the outputs of FEA models containing geogrid can be disappointing. Geogrid performance is often under-predicted. Why is that and how can predictions be improved?

Dr Andrew Lees is the Global Application Technology Manager for Tensar International with responsibility for advanced design and analysis methods including finite element analysis (FEA). He has developed new design and analysis approaches for crane platforms, railroad foundations, roads and MSE walls that capture the benefits of mechanical stabilization in a more accurate way, leading to more economical designs.

He authored the popular textbook on geotechnical FEA published by the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2016 and was a member of the redrafting panel for Eurocode 7.


Event Type: Webinar
City: Online
Country: Online
Date: 18 Feb 2025