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Simulation Apps & Digital Twins

Simulation Apps & Digital Twins

he COMSOL® software aids in different processes in the field of renewable energy. It offers unique modeling and simulation (M&S) capabilities as well as easy-to-use features for creating standalone simulation apps.

The Application Builder and COMSOL Compiler™ allow for bringing M&S to a larger group of scientists and engineers thanks to their capabilities for creating and deploying simulation apps. These apps can be incorporated into digital twins for use in equipment maintenance and process operation. The latest release of COMSOL Multiphysics® contains functionality for creating surrogate models based on data from simulations and advanced function approximation such as DNN and Gaussian process, making simulation apps lightning-fast.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the COMSOL® software’s capabilities for creating simulation apps and digital twins.


Event Type: Other
City: Online
Country: Online
Date: 17 Sep 2024