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Using Modeling and Simulation for Innovation in Medtech

Using Modeling and Simulation for Innovation in Medtech

September 4, 2024 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. CEST

In medtech, computational modeling and simulation is gaining in use for understanding, designing, and optimizing devices and processes, allowing for efficiently tackling key questions related to patient safety, product quality and effectiveness, and regulatory compliance.

However, computational models are only useful if they accurately represent their real-world counterparts, and the human body is complex. When simulating medical devices and pharmaceuticals, the modeling software has to be able to account for the way these devices and drugs interact with the human body.

By using COMSOL Multiphysics® for biomedical simulation, engineers and scientists can create and test designs and processes virtually, taking into account all factors that impact the safety and efficacy of medical devices and treatments. This streamlines the development and regulatory processes for creating new and better products while reducing costs and the need for in vitro and in vivo testing.

For optimization, uncertainty quantification (UQ), or simply to explore a large parameter space, engineers turn to deep neural network (DNN)-based surrogate models. During the webinar, you will see how surrogate models can be derived from your multiphysics model to mitigate the computational power needed for UQ or large parameter sweeps.

Medtech is inherently multiphysics in nature; it can include fluid flow, chemical reactions, heat, structural mechanics, and electromagnetics. During the webinar, you will see application examples of modeling in medtech, such as:

Oxygen masks
Rapid tests
Heart valves, heart pumps, and stents
Hip and bone implants
And more


Event Type: Webinar
City: Online
Country: Online
Date: 4 Sep 2024